Amended local plan review (2015)

The Local Plan Review is one of the current Local Plan documents for the city. It is part of the statutory land-use plan and is used to make planning decisions. This means that it sets out the authority's policies on which land across the city should be developed and used, and how applications for planning permission will be determined. This includes allocating areas and sites as suitable for uses such as housing, industry and shopping.

The Local Plan Review was first adopted in March 2006 after a public inquiry into objections to the plan. The Local Plan Review Inspector's report summarises the issues discussed at the inquiry and the Inspector’s responses.

Parts of the Local Plan Review were replaced or changed by policies in the adopted Core Strategy. A revised version of the Local Plan Review was produced in 2010 to show the updated policies (please note that other parts of the plan may be out of date, such as part 1). A list of ‘saved’ policies that remain in operation was also produced.

The Local Plan Review is being replaced over time as new plans are adopted. An updated version of the Local Plan Review was produced in 2015 following the adoption of the City Centre Action Plan and Core Strategy Partial Review. This is available to view on the list of downloadable documents below.

The table of policies applying to sites in Southampton shows which policies in the amended Local Plan Review, amended Core Strategy, City Centre Action Plan and Bassett Neighbourhood Plan apply to sites in the city centre and outside.

The boundaries of the Local Plan Review, Core Strategy and City Centre Action Plan planning policies and designations can be seen on the Policies map.

Document Type Size
Amended LPR with CCAP and CS changes (13 March 2015).pdfpdf1.1 MB
Adopted Local Plan Review Appendices.pdfpdf75.2 KB
Table of policies applying to sites in Southampton.pdfpdf211.6 KB
Policies remaining in operation from January 2010.docdoc60 KB
Adopted proposals map city wide March 2006.pdfpdf283.0 KB
Adoption Notice, March 2006.pdfpdf22.4 KB
Full Council Response to Representations.pdfpdf542.7 KB
Notice of Intention to Adopt.pdfpdf30.2 KB
NPPF compliance with local plan statement revised June 2013.pdfpdf24.5 KB
Local Plan review accessibility map March 2006.pdfpdf316.0 KB
City Centre Action Plan Policies Map March 2015.pdfpdf2.9 MB
Local Plan Review Bitterne District Centre Proposals Map March 2006pdf1.4 MB
Local Plan Review Shirley Town Centre and City Centre (replaced by CCAP Policies Map) Proposals Map March 2006.pdfpdf245.2 KB
Local Plan Review Lordshill District Centre Proposals Map March 2006.pdfpdf1.2 MB
Local Plan Review Portswood District Centre Proposals Map March 2006pdf1.2 MB
Local Plan Review Woolston District Centre Proposals Map March 2006pdf1.1 MB