Language information for schools

The development of young children's learning of English as an additional language involves exposure to the language through a range of meaningful and engaging activities. Parents and educators can support this by enabling children to interact with English speakers, using visual aids and props, and incorporating language learning into daily routines.

Children's language development may also be supported by building their confidence, providing positive feedback, and using age-appropriate materials and activities. Remember that each child's language learning journey is unique and requires individualised support and guidance.

Services for schools

Southampton Language Service support schools to improve the outcomes of English as an additional language (EAL) learners within their educational journey. We are a team of teaching and EAL consultants who can support schools by offering the following services:

  • In school support: We offer a range of workshops/training opportunities including supporting new arrivals, differentiation, assessment for EAL, bilingualism and coordinating EAL
  • Tailormade training sessions for whole schools
  • Race equality training
  • Bilingual support for EAL pupils
  • Interpreter support for meetings, inductions and parent groups home language and EAL assessment support
  • EAL consultancy visits
  • Supporting with the development of resources
  • Translation of documents

Please see our training opportunity guide for further information to what is available for schools.

If you would like to discuss any of these services or talk to us around a training need, please email us at

Or simply complete our online form. Please note: this form is password protected:

School Language Service training request form

Helpful websites for schools

  • The Bell Foundation - A large number of resources and ideas, such as the theory behind teaching children with EAL, webinars and discussions, but also lesson plans with resources
  • The EAL Highland - Many resources in different languages including key vocabulary with translations and introduction to school booklets. It also has links to many other resource areas
  • World Stories - A range of texts that the pupil can read or have read to them in English or a selection of other languages. There are also activities and tracking tools available for classes or individual students
  • NALDIC - The leading organisation in supporting EAL. You have to become a member to access the resources, but Southampton City Council are a registered member. Please contact us for more information
  • Mantra Lingua - Has a large number of useful resources to buy including the Talking Pen, bilingual books and charts, KS3/4 resources, vocabulary for maths, science and English lessons

Resources for schools

How can your school help celebrate home languages? SHOW

What is the best way to welcome EAL learners into your school? SHOW

How can your school help EAL pupils with their learning? SHOW

Pan-Hampshire toolkit for challenging and responding to prejudicial language and behaviour SHOW

Prejudicial language and behaviour documents

Document Type Size
PLAB incident report formdoc463 KB
Plab Pupil Survey Ks1docx128.0 KB
Plab Pupil Survey Ks2docx115.0 KB
Plab Pupil Survey Ks3 And 4docx115.2 KB
Prejudicial language and behaviour guide for parents/carerspdf575.7 KB