SEND funding for education settings
A child identified as having SEND may be eligible for funding. There are various funding streams available, depending on the child’s level and type of need.
The page outlines how Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) funding is allocated to mainstream primary and secondary schools as well as early years settings in Southampton.
Funding for mainstream primary and secondary schools
Schools budget for all pupils
All maintained schools, including mainstream academies, receive a budget allocated at the beginning of the financial year (from 1 April each year).
The school’s allocation for all children, including those with special educational needs (SEN), is based on the number and age of the children within the school. This works out as approximately £4,000 per pupil.
SEN Notional budget – additional resources for children with SEN within schools
For the majority of children with SEN, further resources are allocated through something called the 'SEN Notional budget for mainstream schools'. This is done using a funding formula and works out at an additional £6,000 per pupil with SEN.
The funding formula uses data and information about low attainment and deprivation. These factors have been determined by the Department for Education under the Government’s funding reforms which came into place from April 2013.
The use of the low attainment and deprivation data and information will identify a profile of need for each school, which can then be used for the allocation of available funds on an annual basis through the SEN Notional budget.
All types of need are covered by this funding model which results in the allocation of a sum of money which is part of the whole school budget. This can be used to address the needs of children, in any category, as identified, assessed and prioritised by the school.
Funding for pupils with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan
Where a child needs additional support above what can be delivered through the first £6,000 SEN Notional budget (this will need to be evidenced), the school and/or parent/professional working with the family, can request to have an Education, Health and Care Assessment (EHCA).
Where a child with high needs requires additional support over and above that normally available in school, the school is still required to fund the first £6,000 of their additional provision.
For children with EHC plans whose needs require additional support over this level, specific funding is provided as a top-up. The top-up will be paid from the centrally retained resource held by the local authority on behalf of schools for additional support over and above £6,000. This will only occur where a pupil has been assessed and determined by the local authority, as needing an EHC Plan.
The amount of top-up funding provided will depend on the needs of individual pupils with EHC plans, following assessment.
Funding for early years settings
Summary of funding types
Early Years SEND Support (EYSS) |
Disability Access Fund (DAF) |
Inclusion Support Fund (ISF) |
- For 1:1 funding up to 6 months
- Transition, funding and continuation
- Any age
- £910
- Children who access DLA
- To be spent according to need
- 3 and 4 year olds
- Up to £1000
- For children not accessing EYSS but need additional funding
- Use for resources & training
- Children claiming EY Funding from 9 months old
Early Years SEND Support (EYSS)
Early Years SEN Support (EYSS) is available for Southampton children from birth onwards.
The aim of the Early Years SEN funding is to support pre-school aged children with SEN to access Early Years settings. The funding is based on each individual's strengths and needs, and not every child will need support for every aspect of their time in an Early Years provision.
Prior to requesting EYSS, providers will have applied a graduated approach to supporting children’s needs. However, for children who require provision that is additional or different from that made generally for other children, providers can apply for addition funding, up to six months, according to the individual child’s needs.
A funding request should only be submitted following consultation with and written consent from parents/carers and other relevant professionals.
EYSS can be applied for children attending Southampton Settings regardless of their home address. If a Southampton child is attending a Hampshire setting then applications for additional funding will need to be made to Hampshire.
EYSS Continuation Funding can be applied for following a review of the child’s progress. Children who receive EYSS funding are likely to require an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) prior to starting school. Once a child has an EHCP agreed and finalised, funding will be provided through this rather than through the EYSS Panel. Details of the agreed funding are within the EHCP.
Types of EYSS
Transition |
Initial funding |
Continuation |
- Six weeks’ worth of however many hours the child attends up to 15 hours
- For a child transitioning into the setting or between rooms within a setting
- Up to six months of 1:1 funding at the rate requested
- Need to prove that you have put in place a graduated response and the child requires a higher level of support than would be expected as part of universal offer
- The initial funding has been used and up to a further six months is needed
- Need to have involvement from an EYAT or Portage worker, unless a qualified teacher SENDCo in setting
Disability Access Funding (DAF)
If you provide places for any 3- or 4-year-olds who receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA), your setting is eligible to receive Disability Access Funding.
Please note that the Disability Access Funding (DAF) can only be paid from the term after a child is 3 and therefore eligible for the universal offer.
Inclusion Support Fund (ISF)
Southampton City Council has an allocated Inclusion Support Fund specifically to support the inclusion of early years funded children from 9 months old. The Inclusion Support Fund is for services that are registered to take Nursery Education Funding, including:
- Day Nurseries
- Childminders
- Preschools
Inclusion Support Funding must be used to support children with additional needs.
Settings must ensure that the children’s needs are met in order for them to feel fully included. Through planning and organisation, most children with additional needs will be able to fully join in with the activities offered.
All providers are expected to plan for inclusion and make "reasonable adjustments" to accommodate the needs of the children. However, there may be times and circumstances when extra funding is needed.
This funding does not replace Early Years SEN Support (EYSS) or Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) funding. A child in receipt of EYSS may not be eligible for ISF.
How to apply
The application form should be submitted via the electronic application form:
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.
Make sure the application has been discussed and agreed with the child/ren’s parent/s (if for a specific child) and that you have received signed/written consent for your records.
The application must also be agreed by the Owner/Manager or Lead Practitioner of the setting.
Inclusion Support Fund Application
You can also apply for shared resources or staff training to enhance the SEND offer within the setting to support a group of children (parental consent is not required, but the setting Owner/Manager or Lead Practitioner must approve the application before it is submitted)
How will a decision be made about funding?
A panel which meets weekly decides whether the application is suitable. Please ensure you add sufficient information to your application on how the funding would be used to support inclusion, including itemised resources requested and cost. You will be contacted within two weeks of the panel meeting and, if your application is successful, you will be paid with your Nursery Education Funding. If your application was not successful, we will write to you and tell you why.
The funding will be reviewed at Funding Audit visits and a completed ISF evaluation will be required within three months of allocated funding to assess the impact of ISF on the child, the family and the setting.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.
Inclusion Support Fund Evaluation
When applying for Area SENDCo involvement or funding, it is important to include evidence to support the application.
What needs to be included
- Request for involvement/Request for funding
- Consent from parents – signature (and ticks where relevant)
- Individual Education Plans (IEPs) – reviewed and current
- Stages of development in line with setting policy (Development Matters/Birth to 5 Matters)
- Southampton profile of need
- Any Health Professional input (i.e. SALT reports, Paediatrician reports)
- Any other appropriate evidence (i.e. ABCCs, ECaT/Early Language Audit)
- Information to show what has been put in place, the impact of this and what you want the support/funding to provide