Accident reporting

  1. All major and minor accidents should be reported using the Authority's laid down reporting procedure
  2. There are responsibilities on all employees with regard to accidents, accident investigations and accident reporting
  3. Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) must be notified of certain types of incident, for example any accident whereby an employee is absent for more than seven days, dies or suffers a "specified injury"
  4. Accidents to pupils, visitors and contractors which involve them being taken from the school directly to Hospital and receive treatment, must also be notified
  5. Specified accidents require immediate telephone notification followed by written notification on an approved form; It is essential that employees are aware of these Regulations
  6. Providing the internal procedure is followed, the Corporate Health and Safety Service (CHSS) will undertake all statutory notifications to the Health and Safety
  7. Safe Working Procedure Accident Reporting and Investigation gives full details of the procedure that must be followed
  8. All accidents/incidents, less minor injuries to pupils, are notified to the CHSS using the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) which has been developed to make this process more efficient and less of an administrative burden
  9. A record should also be made of minor ‘day to day’ injuries (bumps, scrapes and bruises) that happen to pupils whilst on the school site or during any off site activity. These records are retained by the school using the school minor accident report form
  10. Further advice can be found in the following publication: Southampton City Council Safe Working Procedure – Accident/Incident Reporting and investigation
  11. All significant accidents to pupils (e.g. head injury) must be reported to parents where practicable and by the quickest means

Note: Academies must report all RIDDOR reportable incidents direct to the HSE as the Academy has the duty to report (unless they have the SCC H&S SLA when HSMS should be used to report accidents/incidents).

Document Type Size
Accident Reportingdoc531 KB
Action Guide For Accident/Incident Reporting for Schoolsdoc518 KB
School minor accident report formdocx649.5 KB
Safe Working Procedure - Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigationpdf280.6 KB
Accident Incident Reporting Managers Guidepdf240.8 KB