Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy

Since July 2014, all applications for new residential planning permissions across the city need to provide a means of mitigating the development's impact upon the ecological importance of the Special Protection Areas (SPA) within and around the Solent.

View the map of the Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project around the Solent.

Whilst applicants may propose alternative measures to mitigate the direct impact of their development on the Solent SPA, the simplest way of mitigating will be through the Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project (SDMP).

The Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy (December 2017) sets out the principle of the sliding scale of contribution, based on property size.

Updated developer contribution levels

1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025

Please note that for any planning application determined on or after the 1 April 2024, and until 31 March 2025, the updated developer contribution levels will need to be applied:

  • One bedroom property £465
  • Two bedroom property £671
  • Three bedroom property £875
  • Four bedroom property £1,029
  • Five bedroom property £1,207
  • Flat Rate – £777 (usually used in cases of caravans, tents or gypsy and traveller sites)

1 April 2025 onwards

Please note that any planning application determined on or after 1 April 2025 the following rates will apply:

  • One bedroom property £482
  • Two bedroom property £696
  • Three bedroom property £907
  • Four bedroom property £1,067
  • Five bedroom property £1,251
  • Flat Rate – £805 (usually used in cases of caravans, tents or gypsy and traveller sites)

Financial contribution requirements

This requires applicants to make a financial contribution in line with the revised Charging Schedule set out above before planning permission is granted by completing the SDMP Agreement and sending the completed form along with the mitigation contribution to the Planning Agreements Officer at the Local Planning Authority.

Apply for mitigation

SDMP Agreement

Fill in the Habitats Mitigation Contribution (SDMP) Agreement above and submit to the Local Planning Authority, along with the relevant SDMP Mitigation Contribution per residential unit.

If the applicant would rather resolve the SDMP obligation by completing a Unilateral Undertaking before planning permission is granted, by way of an undertaking providing for the payment to be made before the development is implemented, then a draft template Unilateral Undertaking can be provided on request. 

Payment of £350 will be required in advance to enable the council’s legal team to provide a template unilateral undertaking and then to cover the costs for checking the completed unilateral undertaking and any other necessary documents such as land registry documents, companies house document, powers of attorney etc.

Planning Appeals

Please note that the SDMP Unilateral Undertaking, referred to above, is not an appropriately worded document to use as part of a Planning Appeal process and a suitably worded Unilateral Undertaking, drafted by the council’s legal team will be provided to deal with the specific Planning Appeal process.

Further information on the calculation/setting of the SDMP is available from the Solent Recreation Mitigation Strategy (December 2017).

If your enquiry relates to a specific planning application, please contact the planning case officer on 023 8083 2603.

How can I make payment?

You may pay the planning obligation using the following payment methods:


The best way to make a payment is by paying online:


Before you make a payment

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.

You will need:

  • A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
  • Planning Application Number (starting with the year, e.g. 18/0****/***, which can be found on the correspondence you will have received)

Pay online


Please ensure you enter your Planning Application Number (starting with the year, e.g. 18/0****/***), which can be found on the correspondence you will have received, as the payment reference. The account details are:

  • Sort code: 30-00-00
  • Account no: 00332526