Locally listed buildings

Advice and guidance on buildings included on the list of locally important buildings of architectural or historic interest (the Local List).

We maintain a list of locally important historic buildings known as the Local List. This is separate from the national list of listed buildings held by the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport. There is no statutory protection for buildings on the Local List. Where planning permission is required for the redevelopment of a locally listed building, it may need to be professionally recorded beforehand.

Our policy on locally listed buildings and development is outlined in the Local Plan (policy HE4).

Locally listed buildings also known as the Local list. The original Local List, approved in 1998, covered the area of the Single Regeneration Project II (St Mary's to Portswood). On 19th January 2009, Southampton City Council approved additions to the Local List.

We welcome your views and suggestions for buildings to add to the Local List. This may take the form of an individual response, or could be a proposal from a group, society or a school.

Propose a building Please note that buildings subject to a current planning application cannot be considered. Please print out the form fill it in and send it to:

Historic Environment Team
Planning and Economic Development
Southampton City Council
Civic Centre
SO14 7LY

Local list criteria for inclusion

Any building or structure of some significant historical or architectural interest can be added to the Local List, particularly if it can be shown that it contributes to the character of an area and is valued by local people.

The following are the criteria for including buildings on the Local List:

a. Authenticity - Buildings or structures should be substantially unaltered and should retain the majority of their original features.

b. Architectural Significance - Buildings or structures that are of local architectural value and include design qualities typical of the local area.

c. Historic Significance - Surviving examples of buildings/structures illustrating local architectural history or design and also buildings associated with:

  • local historic events
  • strong community or socio-economic development significance (e.g. schools)
  • people
  • locally or nationally important architects, engineers or designers

d. Townscape Significance - Individual buildings or groups of buildings which contribute positively to the local area - for example, key landmark buildings, notable buildings on important routes into the area, which create a vista or contribute to the skyline.

In addition, Southampton has a fascinating mix of industrial structures, housing estates, schools and other public buildings, even telephone boxes and milestones, that demand closer attention.

There are three periods in the city's more recent history that are particularly, (but not exclusively) interesting, although buildings of a later date can be considered:

  • 1838 to 1918 - the height of the revolution in trade, industry and transportation that saw the growth of the port and railway
  • 1919 to 1945 - which saw unprecedented expansion in the city and the growth of industries like shipbuilding and repair, aviation and the heyday of the great ocean liners
  • 1946 to 1975 - when the modern Southampton emerged, with its outlying estates and redesigned shopping and commercial heart, following the devastation brought about by the Second World War.