Employment support team

Grow People

The Employment Support Team is the council's employment support service. We offer help, advice and support to people who are disabled or disadvantaged, to find work or training.

We believe that anyone can work, regardless of their disability or disadvantage, providing the right support is given in the right place at the right time.

The Employment Support Team can help by:

  • Talking to people about what kind of work they would like to do
  • Helping them to realise what skills and abilities they already have, to help them find the right job
  • Finding training courses
  • Helping to look for jobs and contacting employers
  • Talking to employers if people are worried about how their health or disability might affect their chance of getting a job
  • Helping to fill in application forms and create an up to date CV
  • Working beside people in the job to help them learn and settle in if necessary
  • Giving support to access benefit advice
  • Listening to how the job is going and giving advice if and when it's needed

Eligibility for support depends upon certain criteria for individual projects.

Who we support

People unemployed for 4 weeks or more SHOW

Young people aged 18-24 SHOW

People aged 50 and over SHOW

People with learning disabilities and/or autism SHOW

People accessing community mental health teams SHOW

People accessing drug and alcohol services SHOW


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