Key strategies, plans and policies
Our strategies, plans and policies shape the way we deliver and improve services.
The Southampton City Council Corporate Plan (2022-2030) is a key document and sets out the four key outcomes that make up our vision.
To sit alongside the Corporate Plan, we have developed an additional update to reflect our changing circumstances as a council and a city - view the 2024 update of the Corporate Plan.
The Southampton City Strategy (2015-2025) is a partnership strategy which sets out the vision for the whole city: 'Southampton a city of opportunity where everyone thrives'.
Other key council strategies
Council and City Strategies are supported by a range of strategies, policies and plans. The key strategies are:
- Adult Social Care and Support Planning Policy (2016-2020)
- Better Care Strategy (2021)
- Carers strategies
- Children and Young People's Strategy (2022-2027)
- Children and Young People's Strategic priorities (2022-27)
- Children in our care: Our Corporate Parenting Plan (2022-2027)
- Clean Air Strategy (2019-2025)
- Corporate Parenting priorities (2022-27)
- Council Tax and Business Rates Recovery Policy
- Customer Strategy (2022-2026)
- Cultural Strategy (2021-2031)
- Cycling Strategy (2017-2027)
- Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2028
- Domestic Abuse: Provision of Support within Safe Accommodation (2021-2024)
- Early Years priorities (2022-27)
- Economic and Green Growth Strategy (2020-2030)
- Education priorities (2022-2027)
- Education Strategy (2022-2027)
- Emotional and Mental Health Wellbeing priorities (2022-27)
- Enforcement policy
- Fair Collection and Debt Recovery Policy
- Green City Plan 2030
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2017-2025)
- Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2025-29 (short version)
- Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2025-29 (full version)
- Household Waste and Fly Tipping Policy 2023-26
- Housing Strategy (2016-2025)
- Inclusive Education priorities (2022-27)
- IT Strategy 2021-2025
- Land Quality Strategy (2018-2023)
- Local Development Plan (2013-2026)
- Local Government Productivity Plan
- Local Transport Plan (2019-2040)
- Medium Term Financial Strategy
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- Participation priorities (2022-27)
- People Strategy (in development)
- Physical Activity and Sports ('We Can Be Active') Strategy (2022)
- Prevention and Early Intervention priorities (2022-27)
- Procurement and Contract Management Strategy (2023-2026)
- Safe City Strategy (2022-2027)
- SEND Strategy (2022-2027)
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) priorities (2022-27)
- Southampton City Children and Young People's Emotional and Mental Health Wellbeing Plan (2021-2027)
- Southampton City Children and Young People's Emotional and Mental Health Wellbeing Plan – 2022 refresh
- Southampton City Health and Care Strategy (2020-2025)
- Southampton Speak Up - Children and Young People’s Participation Strategy (2022-2027)
- Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Strategy 2023-2028
- Youth Justice Priorities (2022-27)
- Youth Justice Strategy (2022-2027)
Strategies and plans currently not online will be made available as soon as possible

Business in Southampton
The GROW portal is designed to provide a single, unified portal to the information you need about Southampton City Council business services and support and our city.

Grow in Southampton
The new GROW web portal houses information about apprenticeships and other opportunities.