The way you dispose of some seating items may have changed. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are chemicals found in items which can cause damage to the environment if they are not disposed of responsibly.
These are mainly a problem in upholstered domestic seating items, including:
- Sofas
- Sofa beds
- Armchairs
- Kitchen and dining room chairs
- Stools and foot stools
- Home office chairs
- Futons
- Bean bags, floor, and sofa cushions
What does this mean for you?
The new compliance procedures mean we must collect items containing POPs separately from other bulky waste items.
This means if you book a collection with us that contains one or more ‘POPs item’ (like a sofa) and a ‘non-POPs item’ (like a fridge), we will collect them at different times on the same day.
If these items are ripped or damaged, we can only collect them if any damage is sealed with tape or plastic, and covered. Otherwise, the item or items will not be collected and you will not be eligible for a refund.
Please follow the steps below to ensure your item is ready for bulky waste collection:
- Keep items from the list above separate from other bulk waste items when putting them out for collection
- Put items out for collection as close to your scheduled collection date as possible, and keep them dry
- Cover items with a waterproof cover to keep them dry. We cannot collect them if they become too wet and heavy to move
- Ensure items are kept whole, where feasible
- Declare any damaged item when booking
- Contain any damaged parts, such as rips or tears, through sealing an area with tape or bagging an item
If your items are in good condition and there are no rips, tears, or other damage to the fabric, please consider donating them to local charities.
If you are disposing of any of these items at an HWRC, items containing POPs must be disposed of separately from items that do not contain POPs. Staff at HWRCs are happy to help you when you arrive with your items.
For more information on POPs, visit Persistent Organic Pollutants in waste upholstered domestic seating.