Westgate Hall - your questions answered
How many guests am I allowed at Westgate Hall? SHOW
What happens if I arrive late? SHOW
What time do we need to arrive? SHOW
How does the parking work? SHOW
Is there a waiting room? SHOW
What is the access to the ceremony room on the first floor? SHOW
How big is the lift and the door leading to the refuge area? SHOW
Can I bring anything to decorate the ceremony room? SHOW
How does the music work? Do I need to bring a device? SHOW
I would like to hire a harpist. Can the harp get to the ceremony room easily? SHOW
Can we take photographs or make a video recording of the ceremony? SHOW
Why can I not have anything religious in my ceremony? SHOW
Can I have a religious blessing as part of the ceremony? SHOW
What traditions can I have as part of my ceremony? SHOW
Who can be my witnesses? SHOW
Can we throw confetti or rice or can my flower girl scatter petals down the aisle? SHOW
Can I bring my pet? SHOW
Cheers! I would like to toast our future with a bottle of bubbly. Is this okay? SHOW
Micro ceremonies SHOW
Your certificates SHOW
Want to discuss your ceremony further?
If you would like to discuss your ceremony in more detail, please email registrars@southampton.gov.uk no later than six weeks before your ceremony to arrange and pay for a pre-ceremony consultation.