Active travel to school

Getting to school doesn’t need to be a stressful journey in a car; it can be much more fun to take your bike, walk, scoot or take a bus or train with friends or family.

Travelling actively is good for your health and the environment. It is cheaper and helps children be more focused at school.

Here is some information from My Journey to help make it easier to get to school by more active and sustainable means. Have a look at the information for both teachers and parents about some engaging and fun ways to encourage active travel.

Active travel information for parents

If you find the school run stressful and are finding it more and more difficult to park near the school gates, here is some information to help you consider a more active way to manage the school run.

Active travel information for teachers

You can find a range of resources for teachers to use in primary and secondary school classrooms.


Bikeability is the government’s national cycle training programme. It is a practical training programme, providing schoolchildren with a key life skill and enabling them to cycle confidently and competently on the road. In Southampton, Bikeability cycle training is delivered in schools by our training provider, Pedal Power, who are supported by Monty’s Bike Hub.

In year 5 or 6, pupils will be offered the opportunity to take part in a Level 1 & Level 2 course. Level 1 takes place off road and teaches pupils to develop their cycle handling skills. Riders must be able to pedal to take part in Level 1 training. Level 2 takes place on residential roads and helps pupils further develop their cycle handling skills, increase their awareness when cycling on roads, and teaches pupils how to cycle competently on quiet roads.

A small number of Bikeability Balance, Learn to Ride, and Level 3 places will also be offered to schools to encourage and enable cycling.

For more information, please visit or email to find out more about Bikeability courses in Southampton.

School streets

In Southampton we have received funds from central government to create safe spaces outside schools at the beginning and end of the school day. This is where the road directly outside a school is temporarily closed to motor vehicles and becomes a pedestrian and cycle zone. Closing the road space outside schools at drop off and pick up times provides a much safer environment for everyone at peak times and helps those who are able to walk, cycle or scoot to school.

Find out more about the School Streets project.

Air quality for schools

Find out more about the work that is being done to improve air quality around schools.