Parking restrictions
Waiting restrictions (shown by double or single yellow lines) prohibit vehicles from parking in certain locations.
This is normally where parking would make a road unsafe for drivers and pedestrians, especially near junctions and crossings, or would cause traffic jams and delays, especially during peak traffic hours.
The restrictions apply from the centre of the road to the back of the highway, therefore vehicles parked on a footway or grass verge behind yellow lines can be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice.
To report vehicles parked in contravention of existing restrictions, please use our reporting form.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself five minutes to fill in the form.
You will need to provide the following information:
Registration number, colour and make of the vehicle
Any photos of the vehicle parking incorrectly
Request waiting restrictions
We receive many requests for waiting restrictions from across the city and need to make tough decisions on where to make changes. This means we have to say 'no' more than we would like, especially if the request won't reduce casualties or benefit the wider community.
We prioritise investment in locations where evidence shows we need to make improvements.
In residential areas the council will only consider introducing or changing waiting restrictions in the following circumstances:
- There are significant road safety issues arising due to the location of parked vehicles, evidenced by injury accident data
- Service and/or emergency vehicles cannot gain access to a road due to parked vehicles
- Significant traffic delays and/or congestion are occurring due to the parked vehicles
Remember: The road in question must also be adopted Highway maintained by Southampton City Council. You can use this map making sure you turn on the Highways Register layer.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself five minutes to fill in the form.
Request to implement or change residents' parking scheme
Residents' parking schemes restrict the use of on-street parking within a particular area to assist eligible residents and other appropriate service providers in finding parking during the period that restrictions apply.
To fund the cost of this managed parking, like introducing, administering, maintaining, and enforcing a scheme, it is council policy for charges to apply.
Southampton City Council’s Parking Policy is that we will only consider requests for the implementation, amendment, or removal of a residents' parking scheme where a formal request to do so is received from a residents' association, community group or representative sample of residents. The form below allows residents to upload supporting evidence that the request is supported by other residents. Supporting evidence should include a petition (paper or digital) of residents living on the street(s) in question, along with supporting statements from the relevant Ward Councillors for the area.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself five minutes to fill in the form.
We will review it and get back to you within five working days.