Medical and essential visitor permits

A permit is required for medical practitioners and carers to park in residents' permit zones whilst giving medical attention or home care. There are two types of permits available.

1. Essential visitor's permit for residents

For residents in a residents' permit zone for use by their carers whilst providing care in the home. An essential visitor's permit is free and are restricted one per household.

Important: the permit holder for Essential Visitor Permits is the resident who lives at the property. Applications for these permits should be made, where feasible, by the resident or a relative of the resident. If this isn’t possible, then the Council will discuss means in which it can be demonstrated that the resident is the permit holder. For staff providing care/support in properties serving as hostels and supported living facilities, the company should apply for a Business Permit (no more than two per property). Please note that Annual and 4 Month Business Permits are not issued for Zone 1.


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.

What documents do I need to include with my application?

You will include one of the following:

  • Letter from your GP or a duly authorised officer of the Council, verifying the need for regular visits to provide care in your home
  • Copy of your Disabled Persons badge. Do not send the original
  • Suitable official written evidence that you are being attended by a personal assistant under the Self Operated Care Scheme, the Independent Living Fund, or equivalent
  • Evidence that you are being attended by a local authority carer
  • Evidence that you are in receipt of attendance allowance or the disability living allowance care component

You will also need to include one of the following that shows your name and address and be dated within the last three months:

  • Council Tax bill
  • Bank statement
  • Child benefit/pension/DSS book
  • Utility bill (dated within the last three months)

Apply for an essential visitor's permit

Terms of use

  • The permit will be issued to the person requiring care, the permit holder. This will normally be the person who completed the application form.
  • When the carer arrives, the permit should be given to them so that they can display it in their car to obtain exemption from the parking restrictions.
  • The permit must be returned to the holder upon completion of their visit.
  • The permit will allow your Essential Visitor to park in any on-street designated parking places, such as pay and display bays, limited waiting bays and permit holder bays. The vehicle must be parked within 200 metres of the address of the permit holder.
  • The permit is not valid on a single yellow line, double yellow lines or in a disabled person’s bay.

2. Medical permit

For registered medical practitioners while visiting patients in a residents' permit zone at their home. The medical permit is £30 and is valid for 12 months.

Who can apply for a medical permit?

Medical professionals who provide a service to patients in their home such as:

  • Midwives
  • Twilight nurses
  • Mobile dentists
  • Physiotherapists

How do I apply for or renew a permit?

You will need to complete this application form.


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself at least five minutes to fill in the form.

You will need the following:

  • A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
  • If you are the owner or keeper of the vehicle, you will need to provide proof of vehicle ownership, such as a legible photocopy of the V5 (V5C) document
  • If you are not the owner or keeper of the vehicle you will need to provide a letter of authorisation from the owner/keeper, giving you permission to use the vehicle. A legible photocopy of the vehicle registration document V5 (V5C) must accompany the letter of authorisation. A letter of acknowledgement will be sent to the owner/keeper of the vehicle confirming that a permit has been issued
  • If you are using a company or lease vehicle you will need to provide a letter of authorisation from your employer on company headed paper confirming that you are the main driver. This letter must also give details of the vehicle make, model, colour, and registration mark. You do not need to provide a copy of the V5 (V5C) vehicle registration document

Apply for a medical permit

* We now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is providing you have signed up to those methods and are making payment through one of the provider's recognised browsers. Please note: for Apple Pay customers, your wallet will show Heycentric Ltd but your Bank Account will always show Southampton City Council.

What happens next?

If your application is accepted, your medical permit will be sent to by post to your employer’s address provided in section five of this form.

Terms of use

  • The registration number is printed on the permit and it is therefore only valid for use when displayed on this vehicle
  • This permit is only intended for use whilst you are visiting clients at their homes. It should not be used to park at your place of work, for example surgery or hospital

Misuse of a parking permit is fraud. We will investigate all reports of the misuse of permits.


Section 115 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act, 1984

Provides penalties for any person who makes a false statement to obtain a parking permit or with intent to deceive, forges, or alters, or uses, or lends to, or allows to be used, or has in their possession any document so closely resembling any such permit as to be calculated to deceive.