
Elderly woman comforted by daughterIf you are concerned about abuse or harm, you can view our page about adult safeguarding. In an emergency, call 999.

Safe and well visits

Hampshire Fire and Rescue are able to carry out safe and well visits. These support members of the community to help protect them and their home from fire and other hazards (including falls).

Visit the Hampshire Fire and Rescue website for more information about Safe and Well visits.


Careline logo

Careline offers peace of mind to individuals and their carers with advanced care technology equipment.

The service comes with alarm packages so you can rest assured that you or your family members are being supported 24 hours a day 365 days of the year.

Find out more about Careline.


Cuckooing is a practice where people take over a vulnerable person’s home and use the property, such as to deal drugs. If you notice signs that someone is being exploited in this way, you can report this to our anti-social behaviour team.