Help to live independently

Elderly man smiling and looking out of windowAdmiral nurses

Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses. They can provide support and help families manage complex needs. You can either call their helpline or book support.

Services in Southampton

There are certain services in Southampton that may be able to help you live more independently. You can view our directory to find services for your needs.

There is also a lot of advice and support from the Alzheimer’s Society.

Support from us

If you’re struggling with everyday living tasks such as dressing, eating and going to the toilet, you can contact adult social care and ask for an assessment.


Careline logo

Careline offers peace of mind to individuals and their carers with advanced care technology equipment.

The service comes with alarm packages so you can rest assured that you or your family members are being supported 24 hours a day 365 days of the year.

Find out more about Careline.

Information for carers

Unpaid Carers Support Southampton offer free services for adults providing unpaid care to someone with ill health or disability.

Find out more about Unpaid Carers Support Southampton.