Information for professionals supporting young carers

Young carers are children and young people under 18 years old whose lives are affected by caring for a relative. The relative may have a physical or learning disability, a long term illness, a terminal condition, mental illness, or difficulties with drug or alcohol use.

Young carers may feel good about the help that they give and be proud of the skills they have. However caring may also impact on:

  • Their attendance at school or college
  • Completing homework and gaining qualifications
  • Taking part in after school clubs, school trips or residential opportunities
  • Enjoying time with friends or doing hobbies
  • Their own mental health and emotional wellbeing

Children should not undertake inappropriate or excessive caring roles that have an impact on their development and wellbeing. Updated legislation in The Care Act 2014 (Department of Health) and The Children and Families Act 2014 (Department for Education) requires local authorities to assess the child’s needs in the context of a whole family assessment from April 2015.

The Working together to safeguard children 2023: statutory guidance highlights the importance of young carer awareness and identification.

Support available

The child’s school and GP should be informed that the child is a young carer, so that they are aware of the possible impact on the child.

Southampton City Council provide a range of services to support young carers:

  • Weekly young carer safe spaces to give them time away from their caring role
  • School holiday activities to learn new skills and experience new opportunities
  • Issuing of young carer identification cards

See also: