Apply for mainstream and 'exceptional mainstream' school travel support

Before you apply

How to apply

Once you have checked your child is eligible, you can apply using our online form.


Before you fill in this form

Remember: Include the correct evidence or there will be a delay in the processing of your application.

You may need:

  • Copy of the Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit letter, showing what you have been awarded and your monthly income (if you receive this benefit)
  • Qualifying parent carer’s national insurance number (if your child is entitled to free school meals)
  • Copy of the child’s baptismal certificate showing that they are baptised into the faith of the school (if your child attends a faith school)

Apply for mainstream school travel support

What happens next?

Applications are processed from 1 June for the start of the next academic year. If you apply before this, we will hold onto your application and process it from this date. 

If you apply after 10 August, we cannot guarantee that your child’s travel arrangements will be in place by the start of the autumn term. 

If you are applying mid-year due to a change in circumstances this will be processed within 10 working days.   

What if my child’s application is rejected?

We will contact you to tell you this and you can appeal this decision if you believe it is wrong.

If you have any questions about completing the form, you can see our frequently asked questions or you can contact us.