SEND information for young people
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
This information is for anyone aged 14-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We understand you are juggling lots of things at once and dealing with complex issues. This hub of information is for you to find out about services, post-16 options and support that Southampton City Council provides young people to help you plan for the future.
As a young person, there can be times that it is difficult to have your voice heard and tell people about the support you may need, especially if the views of those close to you are different to yours. Advocacy means getting support from another person, who is completely independent. Someone who helps you in this way is called your advocate. An advocate can help support conversations you may feel unable to have, help you express your views and wishes, and help you stand up for your rights. For more information about local advocacy services view our advocacy information page.

Document hub
Our central hub where you can find Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) local offer information, including key guidance documents and forms relating to education, health, social care and short breaks.

Contact us
Please contact Southampton's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) local offer for more help, information or to leave feedback about the service and the website.