Local support and groups for parents/carers of children with SEND

Many parents/carers caring for a child or young person with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are juggling lots of things at once and dealing with complex issues. Getting appropriate support and information for your child becomes your priority and in many cases your own wants and needs get lost and forgotten about – as individuals, couples and families.

On this page you'll find information about local services and support groups who can support you in your role as a parent carer.

The Buzz Network – short breaks for families with disabled children SHOW

Unpaid Carers Support Southampton SHOW

Southampton Parent Carer Forum SHOW

Contact – Listening Ear SHOW

Contact – information and advice SHOW

NHS – Steps to Wellbeing SHOW

Re:Minds SHOW

No Limits SHOW

Southampton Autism Support Service (SASS) SHOW

Southampton Neurodiversity Connections Hub SHOW


Do you struggle with acronyms/abbreviations? – Jargon Buster by Southampton SENDIASS SHOW


Positive Path Foundation SHOW

Family hubs SHOW

Young Carers SHOW

The Disabled Person’s Parking Badge Scheme (Blue Badge) SHOW

Department for Education SHOW

Our Carer Aware e-learning course may also be of interest to you.

Also, keep an eye out on the SEND Local Offer Facebook page for events/coffee mornings and information that may be useful to you and your family.

For families with disabled children Contact offer a free helpful guide for families with children, young people and adults with disabilities. This consists of a 92-page booklet that puts all essential information in one place for carers — no matter where they are in their journey. Order a copy of the guide.