Service Level Agreement 2025-2026 – Southampton Schools and Academies – School Needs Analysis (Health, Community Safety, Economy & Demography)
This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is between the school governing body / Academy and the Data, Intelligence, and Insight Team (known as the ‘Data Team’) on behalf of Southampton City Council.
This Service Level Agreement is for the period 01/04/2025 to 31/03/2026. Any services bought during the SLA period outlined above will be charged at the full rate as outlined in this document.
The Data Team have received an increasing number of requests from schools to support them with a needs analysis that covers a much greater range of topics than those usually considered within schools analysis. In response to these requests, the Data Team have developed a School Needs Analysis covering a range of topics including Health, Community Safety, Economy and Demography. This new analysis will be tailored specifically for your school, identifying the level of need based on your current cohort of pupils. In addition to providing further insight about your school community, its strengths and challenges, it is also envisaged that this analysis will better support schools’ ability to apply for grant funding.
Service options
The Data Team offer this School Needs Analysis to all schools and academies. Schools and academies
have the responsibility of ensuring appropriate information governance is in place that covers this
needs analysis.
Each school will receive a range of mapping and tabular analysis that identifies the level of need
present within your school based on the home postcodes of your current pupil cohort. A range of
needs will be assessed from topic areas including Health, Community Safety, Economy and
- Percentage Overall Absence (Primary)
- Percentage Persistent Absence (Primary)
- Percentage Eligible for Free School Meals
- Percentage of Pupils with Special Educational Needs
- Percentage of Households with One or more Person with English as First Language
- Percentage of Lone Parent Families with Dependent Children
- Percentage of Population from Minority Ethnic Group
- Rate of Children In Need
- Percentage of Economically Active Residents 16+
- Percentage of Residents 16+ with No Qualifications
- Percentage of Residents 16+ with Level 4 Qualifications or Above
- Percentage of Residents 16+ who are Unemployed but Economically Active
- Percentage of Year R Children that are a Health Weight
- Percentage of Year 6 Children that are a Health Weight
- Percentage of Residents Limited a lot by Disability
- Percentage of the Population Reporting Bad or Very Bad Health
- Rate of Total Crime
- Rate of Violent Crime
- Rate of Domestic Abuse Related Crimes
- Rate of Alcohol Affected Crimes
- Rate of Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents
- Percentage of Green Space
- Rate of People with a Current Adult Social Care Service
£380 - A school will receive a needs analysis based on their January School Census.
Service contact
Any queries, concerns or complaints about the overall operation of the scheme should be
addressed to:
Dan King
Head of Data, Intelligence and Insight
023 8083 2493