Service Level Agreement 2025-2026 — Southampton Maintained Schools and Academies — Data Team
Introduction and what we do
- Introduction
- What We Do
Service levels
- School Service Options
Report List
- School Report List for Ad Hoc Services
- Reports – Infant Schools / Academies
- Reports – Junior Schools / Academies
- Reports – Primary Schools / Academies
- Reports – Secondary Schools / Academies
- Reports – Special / PRU
- Training and ad hoc consultations
Groups of School Analysis, commitments and reviews
- Groups of School Analysis
- The School’s commitment to the service provider
- Service contacts and performance review
Annex A - Overview
- Report Examples
Annex A - Perspective Lite - Insight (Analysis)
- Overview
- Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Headlines
- Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Intelligence
- Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Pupil Groups
- Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > School Census Cohort
- Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Absence
- Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Suspensions/Exclusions
Annex A - Perspective Light continued
- Perspective Light > Nova (Reports)
- Perspective Light > Watchsted
- Perspective Light > LA Document Library
Annex A - Nova Analysis
- Nova Analysis Reports
Annex A - Termly reports
- Termly Absence Reports
- Termly Suspension Reports
Annex A - Other reports
- School Assessment Summary Reports
- School List Summaries
- IDACI Mapping
Introduction and what we do
This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is between the school governing body / academy and the Data, Intelligence, and Insight Team (known as the ‘Data Team’) on behalf of Southampton City Council.
To regulate dealing between parties and to set obligations, performance and payment terms, this Service Level Agreement specifically relates to the operation of the scheme for data and performance management support to schools provided by the council.
This Service Level Agreement is for the period 01/04/2025 to 31/03/2026. Any services bought during the SLA period outlined above will be charged at the full rate as outlined in this document.
The Data Team will only provide minimum support with statutory data collection duties for maintained schools / academies who select a Bronze Service Level Agreement (guidance documents only).
The Data Team will serve to act as “Data Gatekeeper” in order to restrict the requests for data from schools by the City Council.
What We Do
Through our charged and ad hoc service options, we will provide additional services which will benefit schools / academies in the area of data and performance management to:
- Meet school’s / academy’s statutory obligations for statistical returns to central government.
- Support professional development around the changing education performance landscape and the effective use of data.
- Provide comprehensive insightful analysis of headline performance measures and a range of subgroups and combinations of subgroups.
- Assist with school self-evaluation, improvement planning and target setting.
- Inform strategic decisions based on accurate performance and demographic information.
- Update schools on data management / analysis at both local and national scales.
The table below outlines the services provided by the Data Team across the Bronze, Silver and Gold Service Level Agreements.
Service | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Basic guidance for statutory data collections only | |||
Enhanced telephone, e-mail support and webinars for statutory data collections | |||
Telephone and e-mail support (only) With internal tracking, cohort characteristics, Absence, Suspensions and End of Key Stage reporting and performance |
Unlimited Perspective Lite licences Real-time dashboards, interactive reports, Insight dynamic reporting covering your school cohort, Absence, Suspensions / Exclusions and End of Key Stage performance, Ofsted analysis and inspector search |
Nova Analysis Reports Contextual, Attainment and Progress analysis of key headlines, groups and pupils with early National comparators |
School Assessment Summary Reports Detailed bespoke reports that combine key factors known to be most influential on pupil outcomes |
Termly Absence Reports School strengths / challenges for absence by detailed pupil groups and reason, with National comparators |
Termly Suspension Reports School strengths / challenges for suspensions by detailed pupil groups and reason, with National comparators |
IDACI Mapping Your pupils home postcodes plotted with an IDACI deprivation layer in a bespoke school map |
The School Performance Data Guide Guidance for the Key Accountabilities in your school |
Consultation & Bespoke Analysis (7 hours) Examples include SLT training, internal audit of tracking and collaboration analysis of groups of schools |
Emergency cover for Statutory Returns (7 hours) Cover provided by the Data Team to support Collect statutory submissions |
Free Access to Data Team Training Webinars and Workshops A mixture of Online and in-Person Training Events, Minimum 3 a year |
DfE Statistical Publications Analysis | |||
Southampton School List Summaries Overview list of all LA schools’ performance against national headline measures |
KS1 Prior Attainment & Detailed Context Reports for Junior Schools (SCC pupils only) |
KS2 Prior Attainment & Detailed Context Reports for Secondary Schools (SCC pupils only) |
Secondary Result Day Reporting Uses the KS4 Exam Import service to produce detailed analysis as soon as your Exam Board EDI files are available |
Please see section 3 and 4 for further details and Annex A for report examples.
Service levels
School Service Options
Service Level | Early Years | Infant | Junior | Primary | Secondary | Special / PRU |
Bronze | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Silver | £450 | £550 | £605 | £825 | £825 | £825 |
Gold | N/A | £1,603 | £1,784 | £2,587 | £2,956 | £1,369 |
Bronze Service Level Agreement
Minimal support with statutory duties only (guidance documents only).
Silver Service Level Agreement
In addition to the service provided to Bronze Schools, those schools who buy into the Silver service will receive:
- Quality assurance of statutory returns made via the Data Team or the DfE data collection website COLLECT
- Telephone and email support from the Data Team with performance data queries
- Enhanced statutory return support
- Statutory return training webinars, e.g., School Census and School Workforce Census
- Telephone and e-mail support with data management issues and analysis issues
Gold Service Level Agreement
The Data Team have a well-established record of delivering headline and detailed pupil group analysis with National comparators to Gold SLA schools well ahead of the publication of the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) and Analyse School Performance (ASP). EYFS, Phonics and KS1 reports have traditionally been with schools ahead of the summer holiday, KS2 reports have initially been released on results day with more detailed versions following shortly afterwards. In 2024, KS4 detailed reports and interactive reporting functionality, which included National averages, were released the same week as the data was shared with the Local Authority. The Data Team’s Gold SLA service therefore allows a school to replicate the Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) and Analyse School Performance (ASP) report up to five months ahead of official publications. This enables schools to implement early interventions, have a robust evidence base for school improvement action plans and be prepared for OFSTED inspections early in the Autumn term with the latest data.
The breadth of the Data Team offer has been substantially enhanced to incorporate detailed analysis of the whole school cohort. Pupil characteristic group options, for each term, visualise and verbalise the variation between different cohorts within your school and National comparator groups, such as those related to: pupil characteristics, deprivation (FSM, disadvantaged, IDACI), mobility, prior attainment, absence and suspensions.
In addition to services provided to Silver schools, those who buy into the Gold SLA service will receive:
- A range of reports as listed in section 4, appropriate for your school for the current academic year, offering enhanced analysis beyond what is provided within Analyse School Performance (ASP) or Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR).
As well as the reports in section 4, schools will also receive:
- Perspective Lite unlimited account access: a one stop shop allowing schools to access early School, LA and National key indicator results through dynamic reporting, containing a broad range of pupil groups (disadvantaged, SEN, prior attainment, EAL, ethnicity, sex), census analysis (including detailed absence and suspension data) and OFSTED school / inspector search information. The recent introduction of the Insight module lets schools drill down into their strengths and weaknesses rapidly with data visualisation and verbalisation.
- NCER Nationals offering enhanced early insight for attainment and progress (EYFS, Phonics, KS1, KS2 and KS4).
- For KS2 and KS4, the Data Team will adjust analysis to reflect discounted pupil submissions made within the Performance Tables checking exercise.
- School Performance Data Guide containing all the latest performance indicators and methodologies including Absence, Suspensions and Early Years Foundation Stage Profile through to Key Stage 4.
- One day’s consultation / bespoke analysis (7 hours) – preparation, travel and report writing will be included within this time. You decide, examples of training and analysis previously requested are:
- SLT training – A review of the school’s performance covering headline indicators, pupil groups and combinations of groups.
- Internal tracking review – An assessment of the current strengths and weaknesses of the internal tracking and monitoring approach used by the school.
- Collaboration analysis – It is possible for groups of schools with a Gold SLA to request collaboration analysis that provides the average result across the schools included within that analysis and / or individual school outcomes. To request this analysis all schools must hold a Gold SLA with the Data Team. Each school included in the analysis must give permission for their school’s inclusion in this analysis. The time taken to produce this analysis will be deducted from each school’s 7 hours of bespoke analysis.
- Emergency cover for statutory returns (one day per year)
- Free access to all training events for school staff. (2 places per school per in-person event, minimum of 3 events to be provided a year)
- Online access to current and historical school analysis reports that have been included within previous years’ SLA services purchased.
- Analysis of DfE Statistical Release publications for EYFS, Phonics, KS2, KS4, KS5, Absence and Suspensions / Exclusions.
- IDACI mapping of your school pupils.
Please see Annex A for a range of report examples.
Analysis specific
To ensure all schools receive high quality reports in a timely manner, the focus of the first half term (autumn) will primarily be on report publication. Training courses will be prioritised during the second half term (autumn), allowing all schools an equal opportunity to access support using the most up to date reports produced earlier in the term. Further courses, webinars, or workshops will be available during the spring and summer term.
Individual bespoke school visits, or online face-to-face meetings, will therefore be available from the spring term onwards except in exceptional circumstances where visits during the autumn term may be negotiated with the Data Team.
Report List
School Report List for Ad Hoc Services
Please note that all of the reports listed are provided to Gold SLA schools in addition to the services outlined in section 3.
Reports – Infant Schools / Academies
One report from the list can be purchased for £481:
- Nova Report – Early EYFS Attainment Summary with Pupil Characteristic analysis by school and National average.
- School Assessment Summary Report – EYFS Gap Analysis by area of learning, scale and pupil characteristic for your school, Local Authority and National.
- Nova Analysis Report – Early Year 1, Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics report with a breakdown of pupil scores by band (0-10, 11-20 etc.), % WA and pupil characteristics for your school.
- School Assessment Summary Report – Phonics Year 1 and Year 2 report identifying achievement by Gender, FSM, SEN, EAL and Ethnicity by count of pupils, percentage of pupils and an average score per pupil group for your school.
- Nova Analysis Report – Early KS1 Attainment Summary with Pupil Characteristic analysis by school and National average.
- School Assessment Summary Report - KS1 gap analysis including pupil characteristic, prior attainment, absence and combinations of these factors known to be most influential on pupils’ outcomes.
- EYFSP – KS1 Target Setting – Analysis to support target setting between EYFSP and KS1 that includes target transition matrixes that identify the likelihood of achieving a KS1 outcome based on EYFSP.
- Absence Report – A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of absence in your school or academy by year group, pupil group and absence reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An
LA version of this report will also be provided for further context. - Suspension Report – A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of suspensions in your school or academy by year group, pupil group and suspension reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- Southampton School List Summaries – overview of all schools’ performance against headline measures for EYFS, Phonics and KS1.
- Map – Pupil Location Analysis and IDACI.
- Predicted Outcomes Analysis – A detailed analysis of Key Stage predicted outcomes based on teacher assessments summitted to the Data Team via an Excel template. This analysis will take the same format as end of key stage reports offering early insight into potential pupil group outcomes.
Please see Annex A for a range of report examples.
Reports – Junior Schools / Academies
One report from the list can be purchased for £481:
- Nova Report – Early KS2 Attainment with Pupil Characteristic analysis by school and National averages (provisional, school amended and final data).
- School Assessment Summary Report – KS2 Attainment and Progress Gap Analysis including pupil characteristic, prior attainment, absence and combinations of these factors known to be most influential on pupil outcomes (provisional - school amended data).
- Nova Analysis Report – Early KS2 Progress between KS1-2 (Pupil and School Level) with pupil characteristic compared by school, LA and National (provisional, school amended and final data).
- KS1 – KS2 Target Setting – Analysis to support target setting between KS1 and KS2 that includes target transition matrixes that identify the likelihood of achieving a KS2 outcome based on KS1 outcomes.
- Absence Report – A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of absence in your school or academy by year group, pupil group and absence reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- Suspension Report – A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of suspensions in your school or academy by year group, pupil group and suspension reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- KS1 TA data - A detailed file of pupil transfers to your school from KS1 providers in Southampton.
Southampton Schools List Summaries – overview of all schools’ performance against headline measures for KS2. - Map – Pupil Location Analysis and IDACI.
- Predicted Outcomes Analysis – A detailed analysis of Key Stage predicted outcomes based on teacher assessments summitted to the Data Team via an Excel template. This analysis will take the same format as end of key stage reports, offering early insight into potential pupil group outcomes.
Please see Annex A for a range of report examples.
Reports – Primary Schools / Academies
One report from the list can be purchased for £437:
- Nova Report – Early EYFS Attainment Summary with Pupil Characteristic analysis by school and National average.
- School Assessment Summary Report – EYFS Gap Analysis by area of learning, scale and pupil characteristic for your school, Local Authority and National.
- Nova Analysis Report – Early Year 1, Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics report with a breakdown of pupil scores by band (0-10, 11-20 etc.), % WA and pupil characteristics for your school.
- School Assessment Summary Report – Phonics Year 1 and Year 2 report identifying achievement by Gender, FSM, SEN, EAL and Ethnicity by count of pupils, percentage of pupils and an average score per pupil group for your school.
- Nova Analysis Report – Early KS1 Attainment Summary with Pupil Characteristic analysis by school and National average.
- School Assessment Summary Report – KS1 gap analysis including pupil characteristic, prior attainment, absence and combinations of these factors known to be most influential on pupil’s outcomes.
- Nova Analysis Report – Early KS2 Attainment with Pupil Characteristic analysis by school and National averages (provisional, school amended and final data).
- School Assessment Summary Report – KS2 Attainment and Progress Gap Analysis including pupil characteristic, prior attainment, absence and combinations of these factors known to be most influential on pupil outcomes (provisional - school amended data).
- Nova Analysis Report – Early KS2 Progress between KS1-2 (Pupil and School Level) with pupil characteristic compared by school, LA and National (provisional, school amended and final data).
- EYFSP – KS1 & KS1 – KS2 Target Setting – Analysis to support target setting between Key Stages that includes target transition matrixes that identify the likelihood of achieving an outcome based on the previous Key Stages prior attainment.
- Absence Report – A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of absence in your school or academy by year group, pupil group and absence reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- Suspension Report – A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of suspensions in your school or academy by year group, pupil group and suspension reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- Southampton School List Summaries - overview of all schools’ performance against headline measures.
- Map – Pupil Location Analysis and IDACI.
- Predicted Outcomes Analysis – A detailed analysis of Key Stage predicted outcomes based on teacher assessments summitted to the Data Team via an Excel template. This analysis will take the same format as end of key stage reports offering early insight into potential pupil group outcomes.
Please see Annex A for a range of report examples.
Reports – Secondary Schools / Academies
One report from the list can be purchased for £809:
- KS2 Test & TA data - A detailed file including prior attainment and characteristics of pupil transfers to your school from KS2 providers in Southampton.
- Nova Analysis Report – Early KS4 Attainment & Progress between KS2-4 (Pupil, School Level) with pupil characteristic compared by school, LA and National (provisional, school amended and final data). An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- School Assessment Summary Report – KS4 Attainment and Progress Gap Analysis including pupil characteristic, prior attainment, absence and combinations of these factors known to be most influential on pupil outcomes (provisional - school amended data). An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- Nova Analysis Report – KS4 subject level analysis that includes National comparators. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context (provisional, school amended and final data).
- Nova Analysis Report – KS4 detailed pupil level analysis reports including context, attainment and progress (provisional, school amended and final data).
- KS2 – KS4 Target Setting – Analysis to support target setting between KS2 and KS4 that includes target transition matrixes that identify the likelihood of achieving a KS4 outcome based on KS2 outcomes.
- Absence Report – A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of absence in your school or academy by year group, pupil group and absence reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- Suspension Report – A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of suspensions in your school or academy by year group, pupil group and suspension reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
- Map – Pupil Location Analysis and IDACI.
- KS4 Result Day Reporting – A detailed analysis of KS4 exam results based on exam results files (EDI) or CSV templates summitted to the Data Team. This analysis will take the same format as end of key stage reports offering early insight into pupil group outcomes.
Please see Annex A for a range of report examples.
Reports – Special / PRU
Please contact the Data Team to discuss school specific options and charges. The Data Team can provide Special schools with reports that include National Averages that reflect the Primary Need types most prevalent in your school. This is possible for Absence, Suspensions / Exclusions, School Characteristics and End of Key Stage outcomes.
Training and ad hoc consultations
Training - All schools (per delegate)
Service | Price |
Training half day | £270 |
Training full day | £539 |
Ad hoc consultations/bespoke analysis/visits/cover
Service | Price |
Half Day | £380 |
Whole Day | £759 |
Any paid training, or training as part of an SLA, that is cancelled will incur charges as per the booking form if 1 weeks’ notice is not given.
Please note that following a detailed review of FFT Aspire usage within Southampton schools and an assessment of the value added, the service was removed from this SLA in 2022/23. This decision was taken due to the sustained low usage by Southampton schools, the substantial duplication with other services still offered and its increasing price. Target setting support will continue to be offered to Gold SLA schools as part of the Data Team SLA. Schools should also be aware that DfE Sign-In now offers schools real time attendance reporting with almost all schools contributing to National averages.
Groups of School Analysis, commitments and reviews
Groups of School Analysis
For school groups (trusts / federations / clusters) that all hold a Gold SLA located within the Local Authority, group analysis can be provided as part of the schools’ combined bespoke analysis allocation (no additional cost). Gold SLA school groups will have the option to have a report that includes aggregated school outcomes with or without individual school breakdowns, LA and national data. Areas that can be analysed include School Characteristics, EYFS, Phonics, KS1, KS2, KS4, Absence and Suspensions / Exclusions. There are a number of pupil groups that can be included within this group analysis, such as Disadvantaged and SEN.
For school groups that include Silver or Bronze schools, analysis will be limited to aggregated school outcomes only. There will be an additional charge per school that does not hold a Gold SLA.
Please contact the Data Team to discuss your school group analysis requirements.
School Group Analysis (Trusts / Federations / Clusters)
Service | Price |
Gold SLA School Groups | Free |
Price per Bronze / Silver school | £437 |
The School’s commitment to the service provider
- An appropriate Privacy Notice has been given to all parents/carers.
- Ensure that pupil and staff level data in their Management Information System is kept up to date and accurate.
- Involve the Data Team at the earliest possible stage in the event that the school is experiencing difficulty, e.g. staffing issues / serious errors / backlogs of routine processing.
- Allow the Data Team reasonable access to records and information needed to deliver the service.
- Management Information Systems are up to date with the latest upgrade.
Service contacts and performance review
Any queries, concerns or complaints about the overall operation of the scheme should be addressed to:
Dan King, Head of Data, Intelligence and Insight
Email: Dan.King@southampton.gov.uk
Telephone: 023 8083 2493
The Data Team will monitor its performance by:
- Evaluating its training by requesting feedback through “evaluation/feedback” forms.
- Reviewing its operations and services through self-evaluation as part of the corporate business planning and performance review process.
Annex A - Overview
Report Examples
The following section provides a basic illustration of some of the reporting that you will receive from the Data Team with a Gold SLA. However, as much of the analysis is dynamic and interactive, it is not possible to show the full breadth and depth of what is available. Please contact data.education@southampton.gov.uk or 02380 833801 for a demonstration and opportunity to ask any school specific questions.
Annex A - Perspective Lite - Insight (Analysis)
You will receive unlimited account access to Perspective Lite with a Gold SLA. This is your gateway to a suite of bespoke reporting and school-level intelligence, allowing schools to access early School, LA and National key indicator results through dynamic reporting containing a broad range of pupil groups (gender, disadvantaged, SEN, prior attainment, EAL, ethnicity), census analysis, OFSTED school and inspector search information and a helpful achieve of analysis reports and training materials.
The recent introduction of the Insight module lets schools drill down into their strengths and weaknesses rapidly with data visualisation and verbalisation. The breadth of the Data Team offer has been substantially enhanced to incorporate detailed analysis of the whole school cohort and their characteristics for each term visualising and verbalising variation between different cohorts within your school and National comparators for pupil characteristics, deprivation (FSM, disadvantaged, IDACI), mobility, prior attainment, absence and exclusions.
Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Headlines
Key Stage 2 Reading process showing reading progress score and trend
Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Intelligence
School summary with areas such as Absence, EYFSP, Phonics with strengths and challenges out of 10 for each area
Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Pupil Groups
Disadvantaged report by year with details on SEN provision, minority ethnicity and EAL
Disadvantaged performance report with RWM expected standard and reading expected standard including gaps compared to national cohort, trend and percentile rank
Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > School Census Cohort
School census characteristics with gender, NC year, SEN breakdown, EAL breakdown and minority ethnicity
Pupil mobility with late entry (post-September), early leaver and entry NC year data
Pupil deprivation report with statistics on disadvantaged children, those eligible for feel school meals and IDACI
Prior attainment report for Key Stage 2 with KS1 reading, writing and maths teacher assessment
Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Absence
Overall absence report including authorised absence and unauthorised absence breakdown
Persistent absence (10%) report including severe persistent absence (50%) and persistent absence breakdown
Pupil groups absence report and attendance reason report
Perspective Light > Insight (Analysis) > Suspensions/Exclusions
Exclusion/suspension type report including permanent exclusions, suspensions, 1+ suspension and average length of suspensions in days
Pupil groups exclusion/suspension report and exclusion/suspension reason report
Annex A - Perspective Light continued
Perspective Light > Nova (Reports)
Thumbnails of reports by Key Stage including KS2 attainment summary list, KS2 pupil list, KS2 test gap and KS2 trend
Key Stage 1 summary list with reading, writing, maths, RWM and RWMS by establishment
Key Stage 4 gap report (Keypas) with indicators and gap compared to local authority for females and all pupils
Key Stage 4 grade summary by subject
Perspective Light > Watchsted
Map of latest Ofsted inspections with results
Look up an Ofsted inspector with last inspection date, number of inspections, old framework and link to view profile
Keyword search with filters
Perspective Light > LA Document Library
Folder structure with folders for absence, EYFS, IDACI, Key Stage 1-5, key statistics booklet, multiplication table check, phonics, primary phase, and suspensions & exclusions
Annex A - Nova Analysis
Nova Analysis Reports
Our Nova Analysis Reports offer a systematic breakdown of pupil outcomes across key pupil groups. All are compared against a robust NCER National average for context. Pupil groups included are:
- All Pupils
- Aggregated by Gender
- Aggregated by FSM
- Aggregated by Disadvantaged
- Aggregated by SEN Provision
- Aggregated by SEN Code
- Aggregated by EAL
- Aggregated by Ethnicity
Reports are provided for:
- Phonics Year 1, Year 2 and End of Year 2
- KS1
- Multiplication Tables Check
- KS2
- KS4
Nova Analysis Report contents page
Key Stage 2 context, attainment & assessments, and progress
Annex A - Termly reports
Termly Absence Reports
A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of all absence indicators in your school by year group, pupil group and absence reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
Report introduction, contents, absence methodology and school summary including overall absence, persistent absence and variance below and above National
Code analysis: table of absence and persistent absence (10%) broken down by types of authorised and unauthorised absence with National statistics and percentage difference
Pupil group analysis: overall absence of school and National broken down by gender, disadvantaged, English as an additional language, special educational need and ethnic group including groups with the greatest variation above and below the National average
Severe absence: persistent absence and severe absence (50%) broken down by gender, disadvantaged, English as an additional language, special educational need and ethnic group including groups with the greatest variation above and below the National average
Code analysis by year group: table of absence broken down by types of authorised and unauthorised absence per year group with the strongest and weakest year groups noted
Termly Suspension Reports
A termly report for Autumn, Autumn & Spring and Autumn, Spring & Summer that provides a breakdown of fixed term exclusions in your school by year group, pupil group and exclusion reason with National comparators and key strengths / weaknesses highlighted. An LA version of this report will also be provided for further context.
Termly suspensions profile with introduction, contents, suspension methodology and suspension trend
The other pages of the suspensions report are similar to the absence report in the preceding section therefore have not been included.
Annex A - Other reports
School Assessment Summary Reports
The School Assessment Summary Reports go far beyond traditional headline indicators and include detailed breakdowns of combinations of factors known to have the greatest impact on Education. Below are a few examples of the additional insight provided within the reports.
Reading, writing, maths and RWM combined broken down by 20% most deprived, 20-40% most deprived, middle 20%, 20-40% least deprived and 20% least deprived for both the school and Southampton
Venn diagram of reading, writing and maths progress with the percentage of pupils who did achieve positive progress in any subject
Reading analytics including the Expected Standard (EXS) and Greater Depth (GDS) for both the school and Local Authority by absence rate
Attainment in reading, writing and maths progress for the school and Southampton
KS2 scaled score by KS1 combined outcome band with Expected Standard and Greater Depth
School List Summaries
The school list summaries provided by the Data Team cover KS1-KS4. They have been specifically created to support schools working effectively in partnership.
List of schools with cohort, Good Level of Development (GLD) and Average Number of ELGs
IDACI Mapping
Your school pupils’ home postcodes plotted against an IDACI deprivation layer in a bespoke school map. You will also receive a school specific pupil list of IDACI scores for your pupils. A generic all schools map is exemplified below as it would not be appropriate to share a map plotting school specific pupils.
Map of schools in Southampton with IDACI Quintile Rank