Service Level Agreement 2024-2025 – Maintained Schools, Academies and Non-Maintained Schools – Health and Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response


The two SLAs

The current Service Level Agreements for Health and Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Response and Business Continuity will end on 31st March 2024 and the City Council is pleased to offer Schools these services again for a 12-month period to 31st March 2025.

The Health and Safety SLA has been developed to provide health and safety assistance to Head Teachers and Governors of Maintained Schools, Academies and Non-Maintained Schools in order for them to meet their statutory health and safety responsibilities contained within the City Council’s policies, Arrangements for Managing Health and Safety and Safe Working Procedures as set out in the schools Scheme for Finance.

For further information please go to section 2

The Emergency Preparedness, Response and Business Continuity SLA provides advice to schools to help them respond successfully to different levels of challenge to their operations and reassure parents and governors as to the safety of pupils in the school and provision of this service is also detailed in this document.

For further information please go to section 3

Both services offer a core (basic) service and an additional (enhanced) service, which schools can choose to opt into if they wish, including Academy schools and other non-maintained schools.

Either service can be bought into separately if both services are not required.

Considerations when deciding whether to opt into the H&S SLA

The Health and Safety SLA has been split into 2 levels (Basic and Enhanced) with the addition of pay as you go services:

The City council delegates to the School Governing bodies and Head teachers (as the Responsible person) the duty (in managing the school’s budget share) to take necessary actions to comply with all health and safety legislation, City Councils policies, arrangements for managing Health and Safety, Safe Working Procedures and environmental legislation, as pertinent to their school.

Where a School opts out of City Councils provided SLAs, it is the School’s responsibility to have suitable provisions in place to continue to meet its duties, including access to competent health and safety advice and ensuring the management and administration of term servicing statutory and best practice obligations. To evidence this to the City Council, on an annual basis, Schools (using the Certificate of Compliance at Annex A of this service specification) will be required to self-certify that duties are being met and the required test/inspections are being carried out.

These certificates can be emailed to

Please refer to 4.0 for key health and safety legislation relative to this document.

Health and Safety Service Options

Basic Health and Safety Service

This service relates to the provision and processing of information by the City Council to schools in order to meet the City Councils statutory responsibilities by way of pro-active assistance and is provided as a free service to maintained schools.

Service Element Element detail
Access to Corporate H&S documentation Access to H&S documentation via council website
Access to H&S helpdesk Via email or via telephone
Access to corporate radiation protection officer (Secondary schools only) Access to corporate radiation protection officer via email and via telephone
H&S termly newsletter A newsletter highlighting H&S news stories, changes in legislations and helpful advice
Access to the Health and Safety Management system Access to the Councils online H&S database. This system is used by school to report accident/incidents, near misses and uploaded risk assessments
Access to SYPOL Access to the Council online COSHH management system
Access to a self-audit Completion of a self-audit may inform the need for a more detailed examination of areas of risk. This may be achieved by following up with a stage 2 or stage 3 audit which can be purchased separately through PAYG services.
Access to support with enforcing authorities Provide advice and guidance in relation to contact with or from enforcing authorities, such as HSE

Enhanced Health and Safety Service

(Includes all elements from the basic service)

Service Element Element detail
Meet the Head teacher and Governors We will meet with head and Governor to discuss school H&S Strategy or on any H&S topic of your choice. This is a valuable opportunity for the Corporate H&S Service to outline the H&S responsibilities of Headteachers and Governors towards ensuring their management of H&S is suitable and sufficient.
Access to H&S training discounts g discountsSliding scale of discounted rates, £10 off for first delegate and £20 off for all subsequent delegates attending the same H&S training at the same time run by a member of the Corporate H&S team
One free delegate place on a H&S training course 1 Free delegate place per school, per annum, on an H&S training course run by a member of the Corporate H&S Team.
Accident/incident trend analysis We will carry out a trend analysis of the school’s accidents/incidents in the event of a specific cause for concern to identify trends and provide guidance and support towards reducing high frequency incidents.
Water hygiene review (legionella We will review your L8 water hygiene risk assessment (legionella) in accordance with the management arrangements in place
Risk assessment review A member of the CHSS will QA a school risk assessment remotely
Construction site inspection/Contractor monitoring We will conduct a single onsite inspection of a ‘construction project’, to ensure contractors are compliant with H&S requirements. We will ensure the contractors are delivering their responsibilities and provide assurance to the school, including reviewing the contractors H&S arrangements on site
H&S Audit/ Review Carry out a full (stage 3) H&S audit, assessing the H&S management system and making recommendations for improvement on weak areas. Assistance with implementation of recommendations.
Specialist risk assessment A member of CHSS will complete a one to one specialist risk assessment. E.g. Manual handling risk assessment
DSE management system (up to 5 DSE assessments) elf-Assessment Management Including 1 to 1 onsite assessment of self-assessments which have raised concerns. Consultant to remotely review all staff DSE self-assessments and highlight any concerns to client. Where concerns have been identified, consultant to carry out 1-2-1 assessments and make recommendations, assistance with implementation following the 1-2-1s (single site visit).
Access to HSE online Stress Risk Assessment Tool CHSS can provide assistance towards running an online stress survey in schools to identify stress and aid actions towards reducing.

Health and Safety Service Overview

Service Element Basic Enhanced
Access to Corporate H&S documentation   Yes   Yes
Access to H&S helpdesk   Yes   Yes
Access to corporate radiation protection officer (Secondary schools only)   Yes   Yes
H&S termly newsletter   Yes   Yes
Access to the Health and Safety Management system   Yes   Yes
Access to SYPOL   Yes   Yes
Access to a self-audit   Yes   Yes
Access to support with enforcing authorities   Yes   Yes
Access to HSE online Stress Risk Assessment Tool   Yes   Yes
Meet the head teacher and governors   No   Yes
Access to H&S training discounts   No   Yes
One free delegate place on a H&S training course   No   Yes
Accident/incident trend analysis   No   Yes
Water hygiene review (legionella)   No   Yes
Risk assessment review   No   Yes
Construction site inspection/Contractor monitoring   No   Yes
H&S Audit/ Review   No   Yes
Specialist risk assessment   No   Yes
Stress Risk Assessment   No   Yes
DSE management system (up to five DSE assessments (single visit))   No   Yes
  • Health and Safety Service Pricing

    SLA Pricing

    Service Price
    Basic Free for all SCC maintained Schools. For all other schools, £2.04 per pupil, minimum price of £509.84
    Enhanced SCC Maintained schools - £4.40 per pupil, minimum price of £1,170.65

    All other schools – Cost of Basic SLA, plus £4.40 per pupil, minimum cost of £1,170.65.
    i.e. minimum cost of £509.84 (basic) plus £1,170.65 (enhanced) gives a minimum cost of £1,680.49

    Ad-Hoc Services Day Rate £644.20 (pro-rata for ½ day)

    All prices dependant on size and complexity of site

    Service Price
    Stage 2 H&S Assurance Audit Price on application
    Stage 3 H&S Assurance Audit Price on application
    Fire Risk Assessment (Baseline) Price on application
    Fire Risk Assessment (Review) Price on application

    Stress Assessment

    • Completion of initial assessment with employee
    • Review of outcome of completed stress assessment with manager and employee to agree action plan
    • Meeting with employee and manager to discuss progress and further steps as appropriate
    1 day
    Support and guidance with regards to Business Continuity and Lockdown processes and procedures Price on application

    For any Health and Safety Service requirements, queries, concerns or complaints, the first point of contact is:

    Ian Moss
    Corporate Health and Safety Service
    Southampton City Council
    Telephone: 023 8083 3143

SLA Pricing

Service Price
Basic Free for all SCC maintained Schools. For all other schools, £2.04 per pupil, minimum price of £509.84
Enhanced SCC Maintained schools - £4.40 per pupil, minimum price of £1,170.65

All other schools – Cost of Basic SLA, plus £4.40 per pupil, minimum cost of £1,170.65.
i.e. minimum cost of £509.84 (basic) plus £1,170.65 (enhanced) gives a minimum cost of £1,680.49

Ad-Hoc Services Day Rate £644.20 (pro-rata for ½ day)

All prices dependant on size and complexity of site

Service Price
Stage 2 H&S Assurance Audit Price on application
Stage 3 H&S Assurance Audit Price on application
Fire Risk Assessment (Baseline) Price on application
Fire Risk Assessment (Review) Price on application

Stress Assessment

  • Completion of initial assessment with employee
  • Review of outcome of completed stress assessment with manager and employee to agree action plan
  • Meeting with employee and manager to discuss progress and further steps as appropriate
1 day
Support and guidance with regards to Business Continuity and Lockdown processes and procedures Price on application

For any Health and Safety Service requirements, queries, concerns or complaints, the first point of contact is:

Ian Moss
Corporate Health and Safety Service
Southampton City Council
Telephone: 023 8083 3143

Emergency Preparedness, Response and Business Continuity Service


The Emergency Preparedness, Response and Business Continuity Service provides advice to any school and academy that would help them respond successfully to different levels of challenge to their operations and reassure parents and governors as to the safety of pupils in the school.

Core Service

Ongoing advice and support to any school or academy during periods of challenge, e.g. adverse weather, denial of access, loss of staff, utility failure, supply chain or other enforced closure or major incident. This would not be dependent or conditional upon, any level of additional support purchased through this Service Level Agreement.

Service Element Element detail
Access to Corporate EP documentation Access to EP documentation via email
Access to EP helpdesk Via email or via telephone
Access to support with enforcing authorities Provide advice and guidance in relation to contact with or from enforcing authorities, such as HSE
Access to support with Community Resilience Offers guidance and support in utilising, locally available resources to support school’s response to, and recovery from, an incident.

Service Packages

Service Package Package detail (Service Elements Incl.) Price Per Package
Bronze An audit identifying and recognising improvement in emergency response and business continuity arrangements, including recommendations (in the format of an action plan) on how to take forward. £897.00

The Emergency Planning-focussed Package. As part of this package you will receive the following service elements:

  • EP Audit
  • EP Development
  • EP Training and Exercising Session(s)

This package provides a comprehensive service in developing schools’ incident preparedness arrangements, with access to support (physically and virtually) from the PCC/SCC EPRR team.


The ‘Full Suite’, Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Package. As part of this package you will receive the following service elements:

  • EP Audit
  • EP Development
  • EP Training and Exercising Session(s)
  • BC Plan Development
  • BC Training and Exercising Session(s)

This package provides an enhanced service in developing or enhancingschools’ incident preparedness and business continuity arrangements, with access to support (physically and virtually) from the PCC/SCC EPRR team


Ad-hoc Service Pricing

Service Element Element detail Price Per Element
Emergency Planning Audit An audit identifying and recognising improvement in emergency response and business continuity arrangements, including recommendations (an action plan) on how to take forward £897.00
Emergency Plan Development EPPR support is received in developing, writing and maintaining the school EP. £897.00
Emergency Plan Training and Exercising Session(s) EPPR support in finalising an EP by embedding the plan via familiarisation training with all staff or SERT staff. This service also includes any requirement for facilitated table-top exercising on a scenario to embed the EP into working practices. £897.00
Add-on TrainingSession(s)

Additional training and familiarisation sessions identified either via the EP Audit element or at the request of a school. This could include the following:

  • Log Keeping
  • Roles and Responsibilities Familiarisation
  • Facilitated Scenario Discussion
  • Debriefs (‘Hot’ and ‘Cold’)
Business Continuity Plan Development EPPR support is received in developing, writing and maintaining the school BCP, whilst providing thought-provoking ‘challenge’ in already identified BCP contingency arrangements £897.00
Business Continuity Plan Training and Exercising Session(s) EPPR support in finalising a BCP by embedding the plan via familiarisation training with all staff or SERT staff. This service also includes any requirement for facilitated table-top exercises to test the resilience of identified contingencies and critical working processes to ensure schools continue to operate when facing adversity. £897.00

For any Emergency Preparedness, Response and Business Continuity Service requirements, queries, concerns or complaints, the first point of contact is:

Laura Betsworth
Head of Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response
Southampton City Council
Telephone: 023 9268 8647

Health and Safety Key Legal Requirements

School Standards and Framework Act 1998

39. – (3) The governing body and head teacher of –

  1.  a community or voluntary controlled school, or
  2.  a community special school,

Shall comply with any direction given to them by the local education authority concerning the health or safety of persons on the school’s premises or taking part in any school activities elsewhere

Health and Safety At Work Act 1974

Section 2 – Employers Duties

To ensure so far as is reasonably practicable (SFAIRP) the Health, Safety and Welfare of employees:

  • Provision and maintenance of safe plant, machinery and systems of work.
  • Safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
  • Provide Information, instruction, training and supervision.
  • Provide a safe place of work.
  • Provide and maintain a safe working environment and welfare facilities.

Section 3 – Employers Duties

Extends the duties in section 2 to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, SFAIRP, that persons not in his employment who may be affected are not exposed to risks to their health or safety.

The Act allows for ministers to create Regulations, these also stipulate what an employer has to do to manage health and safety.

Section 37

Offences by bodies corporate.

  1. Where an offence under any of the relevant statutory provisions committed by a body corporate is proved to have beencommitted with the consent or connivance of, or to have been attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate or a person who was purporting to act in any such capacity, he as well as the body corporate shall be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
  2. Where the affairs of a body corporate are managed by its members, the preceding subsection shall apply in relation to the acts and defaults of a member in connection with his functions of management as if he were a director of the body corporate.

The Education Act 2002 (as amended)

Section 21(5), (7) and (8) (as amended by Section 38 Education and Inspection Act 2006) which says:

(5) The governing body of a maintained school shall, in discharging their functions relating to the conduct of the school-

  1. Promote the well-being of pupils at the school, and
  2. In the case of a school in England, promote community cohesion.

(7) In discharging those functions, the governing body of a maintained school in England shall also have regard to any views expressed by parents of registered pupils.

(8) In this section "well-being"-
(a) In relation to pupils at a school in England, means their well-being so far as relating to the matters mentioned in section 10(2) of the Children Act 2004..."

Section 10(2) defines wellbeing as:

  1. Physical and mental health and emotional well-being;
  2. Protection from harm and neglect;
  3. Education, training and recreation;
  4. The contribution made by them to society;
  5. Social and economic well-being.

Ofsted and Health and Safety in Schools

Governing bodies of maintained schools and Local authorities must comply with the Education Act 2002 (section 175) and have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State. The DfES (now DfE) guidance Safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education, makes it clear that schools must provide a safe
environment and take action to identify and protect any children or young people who are at risk of significant harm.

Schools are required to prevent unsuitable people from working with children and young people; to promote safe practice and challenge unsafe practice; to ensure that staff receive the necessary training for their roles; and to work in partnership with other agencies providing services for children and young people. Local authorities have a duty to provide model policies and procedures on all aspects of safeguarding and to ensure that schools are aware of, and comply with, their responsibilities, as part of this, they offer advice and training for schools’ staff and governors

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

In terms of managing health and safety, the most relevant piece of legislation is the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. As its name suggests, it sets out a number of requirements for employers which include carrying out risk assessments and having effective arrangements in place to manage and monitor health and safety issues within the workplace. It also lays down requirements to provide adequate health and safety training and to take special care for more vulnerable groups such as young workers, pregnant women and temporary workers and have arrangements in place for emergencies.

Health and safety should be approached and managed in the same way as any other business activity. Failure to do so could leave your staff vulnerable to an accident and in turn a possible claim against the Council. Therefore, you need to carry out a risk assessment of your activities and introduce measures to control the risks. This SLA will provide schools with the information, tools and forms necessary to carry out a risk assessment

The School Premises (England) Regulation 2012

Stipulate minimum standards for school premises (Classrooms, halls, gymnasiums.

Schools and colleges are also covered by the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, which outline provisions that must be made in relation to the work environment (school office)

Other regulations

  • Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR)
  • The Manual Handling Regulations (MH)
  • The Display Screen Equipment Regulations (DSE)
  • The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
  • The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
  • The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
  • The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
  • The Noise Regulations
  • The Vibration Regulations
  • The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
  • The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (Including the
    ACOP L8 The Control of Legionella)
  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
  • Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17)

Annex A

Certificate of Compliance

The City Council delegates to the governing bodies and Head Teachers (as the Responsible Person) the duty, in expending the School's budget share, to take the necessary actions to comply with all health and safety legislation, City Council policies, arrangements, SWPs and environmental legislation as pertinent to their schools.

In making this delegation, the City Council must ensure that the Responsible Person has complied with their health and safety obligations in relation to statutory compliance testing and term servicing. For Schools who take the City Council’s Terms Servicing SLA (either enhanced or basic) this is achieved via the Info Exchange system. However, for Schools who decide not to take either of these SLA options, the City Council requires the Responsible Person for the School to confirm via this certificate that they have met their delegated responsibilities.

To that effect I _______________ Head Teacher for ___________

am signing this certificate to confirm that the School understands its obligations by virtue of opting out of the City Council SLA(s) and agrees that as of the signed date it is compliant with any tests/inspections which should have been completed to date and that it has arrangements in place to maintain compliance in line with City Council guidance as set out in the City Council’s Safe Working Procedure Property Management and Compliance and Health and Safety policies, arrangements, SWP’s and environmental legislation as pertinent to our school.

Signed _______________ Dated_______________