Planning for post-16
For employment support and careers guidance for 16-18 year olds use the form below or visit the drop in on Mondays between 12noon and 3pm at the Civic Centre (from the Civic Centre Forecourt Car Park go to the left, down the stairs and right to the accessible entrance).
Referrals are currently closed
We are unable to take referrals at the moment. Instead, our drop in locations are open weekly:
- Mondays 12pm-3pm in Central Library
- Tuesdays 1.30pm-3.30pm in Testlands hub, Millbrook
Contact the Southampton post 16 service - Referrals closed
Post-16 choices
What are you options for when you leave school at 16? You need to be in some form of education or training until you turn 18 – this could be college, apprenticeships or a traineeship. Find out more about your post-16 options and get advice on choosing what’s best for you
Post-18 choices
After finishing compulsory education, there are still lots of post-18 options open to you. From doing an apprenticeship, going to university or getting a job.
Careers education advice for young people
The Skills and Employment team at the council provide all you need to know about opportunities in and around the city to help support decision making while in school, college and beyond. Visit Grow People to find all the latest apprenticeship vacancies, job opportunities and learning providers.