Offer of a school place
The school place offer
The admissions team will make you one offer of a school place after they have processed your application. This will be the highest of your stated preferences that is available.
Offers will be available to view on the Citizen Portal, emailed (if you have opted in for this) and sent by 2nd Class post on:
- Year 7 (secondary school) places: 3 March 2025
- Year R (infant/primary school) places: 16 April 2025
- Year 3 (junior school) places: 16 April 2025
If the offer is for your first preference school, this is the only notification you will receive.
If you have forgotten your password or have trouble logging in, please see our Citizen Portal guidance.
How to accept the offer of a school place
You can view the outcome of your application and respond to the offer online by logging in to the Citizen Portal.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to five minutes to fill in the form.
The letter will also enclose a reply slip asking you to accept the offered place within 14 days. If you do not accept the offer, your place may be withdrawn and offered to another child.
As there is no guarantee of being successful, you have the right to appeal the place offered. You will be placed on a waiting list for your preferred school.
Important: We urge you to accept the offer made to you in order to secure a school place for your child even if it is not your preferred school. Accepting the offer does not affect your waiting list position for your higher ranked schools or any right of appeal for a school place. It does however secure a place for your child.
If you are offered a lower preference school on National Offer Day we will automatically offer a higher preference school(s) if one becomes available later on in the process. This will be an automatic process which will remove the lower preference school, regardless of acceptance so if you do not wish for you child to be on the waiting list for the higher preference school(s) please email the team at via the online enquiries form.