The appeal hearing

All appeals that are not settled or withdrawn will require an appeal hearing. You will be invited to attend this hearing. If you decide not to attend, your appeal will be considered on the basis of your written submission.

The hearing provides you with an opportunity to:

  • Explain in person the reasons why you are appealing
  • Ask questions about the Admission Authority's case
  • Answer any questions the panel or the Admission Authority may have

Who will be at the hearing?

In Southampton, appeal panels consist of three members (made up of lay and non-lay members). Panel members are independent of the Admission Authority and have no affiliation with the school.

Appeal hearings are attended by:

  • The person appealing
  • A representative or friend of the appellant (optional)
  • The appeal panel
  • The clerk to the panel
  • An Admission Authority representative
  • And in some instances, a further representative from the school, such as a headteacher or governor

The clerk takes no part in decision making. They are there to keep a record of proceedings and provide advice to the panel.

What happens at an appeal hearing?

The two different types of appeals follow slightly different processes:

Infant class size appeal hearing SHOW

Standard prejudice appeal hearing SHOW

Next steps

Read about appeals outcomes and deadlines.