Local Development Scheme and Statement of Community Involvement
Local Development Scheme
'Preparing Our Development Plans' is our new Local Development Scheme (LDS) for Southampton. This document sets out how and when the council will prepare its Development Plan Documents, which set out planning policies for development in the city.
Together, these planning documents will express our vision for Southampton and the policies and guidance within them will form the basis for all of the planning decisions that we, as the Local Planning Authority, make.
It is Southampton City Council’s obligation to produce this document and to ensure that it is updated regularly. However, as it is required to include details of the proposed Development Plan changes, as well as a timetable for the works, it is also a great starting point for the local community and other interested parties to find out more about the planning of the city and to keep track of progress.
Preparing Our Development Plans
Statement of Community Involvement
The council recognises that planning needs to be more inclusive and that our residents, visitors, businesses and other organisations can provide us with really valuable information and insightful new ideas that can assist us in our work. By taking part in the planning process you can ensure that we understand what you feel is best for both you and Southampton when we are making planning decisions and developing our local planning documents.
To make sure everyone is clear about how and when they can have their say each planning authority must produce a 'Statement of Community Involvement' which sets out its approach. The SCI is also a legal requirement under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 in connection with the preparation of other plans.
The following document, 'Involving You in Planning' is our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) for Southampton and sets out how and when the Council will seek the views of local people, businesses, key organisations and any other interested parties on local planning matters.
This document was updated in December 2020 to include alternative approaches to consultation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. With government restrictions and public safety in mind, we may need to avoid face to face methods and use alternative ways of collecting people’s views on planning matters. This updated document reflects the current situation.