Southampton City Vision – Call for Sites 2025

Southampton City Vision is our new Local Plan. The Local Plan is a planning policy document which sets out how Southampton City Council, as the Local Planning Authority, intends to deliver the new homes, employment areas, infrastructure and facilities that will be needed to enable the city to grow over the next 15+ years while also protecting and enhancing the city’s environment and green areas.

To meet these needs, the Local Plan needs to allocate sites for different types of land use (e.g. homes, employment, leisure etc.). In order to assist in locating all possible sites for new development up to 2042, we are conducting a ‘Call for Sites’. This is an exercise where we ask you, the public, to let us know of any development sites you may own, be in control of or simply know about that could be available for redevelopment within this time period (2020-2042).

We will add this sites to the sites that we already know about, conducting thorough analysis on each, to determine which sites will be allocated for particular land uses within the Local Plan, to meet the city’s needs.

If you would like to submit information on a site that you believe could be redeveloped by 2042, please click on it on the map and fill in the form.

Please note – you will need to upload a site plan at the end of the form. Please do not proceed until you have this ready.

This site plan must:

  • be at a scale no less that 1:2500
  • include a north point;
  • outline the development site with a red line boundary; and
  • outline any adjacent sites under the same ownership with a blue line boundary

This draft version of the City Vision Map has been added to the Staging environment for initial accessibility testing and has not yet been finalised.