Brownfield Land Register

The Government is keen to identify brownfield land suitable and available for residential development in order to bring forward these sites and deliver new homes. 

There is a requirement for all councils to therefore publish and maintain a brownfield land register which sets out information on the location and nature of these sites.

The definition of brownfield land, also known as previously developed land, is in the National Planning Policy Framework Annex 2 

For an urban area such as Southampton, much of the land will be classed as brownfield land with the exception of residential gardens, parks and open spaces.

The brownfield land register includes sites capable of delivering at least 5 extra dwellings. All sites must also meet the following criteria for residential development

  • Suitable – each site must either have planning permission for housing or housing-led development or be allocated for such development in a Local Plan; or be considered appropriate for such development by the council (for example, draft allocations in the emerging Local Plan)
  • Available – with no ownership issues or legal constraints on the land to prevent development
  • Achievable - likely to be developed within 15 years of being entered on the register

Southampton’s Brownfield Land Register is available here:

Document Type Size
Southampton Brownfield Land Register 2017csv17.1 KB

Site boundaries for land on the register can be viewed online on our Brownfield Land Register map

The register of all brownfield sites meeting the above criteria is part 1 of the Brownfield Land Register.

Part 2 of the register permits councils to go further and give sites Permission in Principle for development that meets the individual site requirements, a stepping stone to planning permission.

Southampton’s Brownfield Land Register only covers Part 1 and the council has no plans to develop a Part 2 register.