St Mary’s College planning appeal

Inquiry details

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Appeal by Sovereign Network Group

Site address: Land to rear of former St Mary's College, Midanbury Lane, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 4HE

Proposal: Re-development of the site to create 84 dwellings with associated car and cycle parking, landscaped areas, play space and associated works:

  • 8 x one bed apartments
  • 24 x two bed apartments
  • 27 x two bed houses
  • 22 x three bed houses
  • 3 x four bed houses

Appeal Reference: APP/D1780/W/24/3347358

Planning Reference: 22/01341/FUL

Scheduled to commence on Tuesday 5 November at 10am for eight days.

This is the core documents library and includes the core documents. It is currently a work in progress and will continue being developed, updated and populated in the run-up to the inquiry. This includes all relevant documents (core documents), pre-dating the opening of the inquiry.

More information to follow.