St Mary’s College planning appeal
Inquiry details
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Appeal by Sovereign Network Group
Site address: Land to rear of former St Mary's College, Midanbury Lane, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 4HE
Proposal: Re-development of the site to create 84 dwellings with associated car and cycle parking, landscaped areas, play space and associated works:
- 8 x one bed apartments
- 24 x two bed apartments
- 27 x two bed houses
- 22 x three bed houses
- 3 x four bed houses
Appeal Reference: APP/D1780/W/24/3347358
Planning Reference: 22/01341/FUL
Scheduled to commence on Tuesday 5 November 2024 at 10am for eight days - not likely to sit on Mondays.
This will be a public meeting with no need to register to attend.
It will be held in the Civic Centre Council Chamber.
View the draft programme.
For those unable to attend: the links below enable online access to the meeting - link to follow.
- Tuesday 5 November 10am
- Tuesday 5 November 2pm approx
- Wednesday 6 November 10am
- Wednesday 6 November 2pm approx
- Thursday 7 November 10am
- Thursday 7 November 2pm approx
- Friday 8 November 10am
- Friday 8 November 2pm approx
- Monday 11 November 10am
- Monday 11 November 2pm approx
- Tuesday 12 November 10am
- Tuesday 12 November 2pm approx
- Wednesday 13 November 10am
- Wednesday 13 November 2pm approx
- Thursday 14 November 10am
- Thursday 14 November 2pm approx
- Friday 15 November 10am
- Friday 15 November 2pm approx
Please use the link below to access the core documents for the appeal. This includes all relevant documents (core documents), pre-dating the opening of the inquiry.
For access to the planning application submission please use Public Access using the following reference: 22/01341/FUL
For access to all the planning appeal documents please use Public Access (tick appeals) using the following reference: 24/00021/APFUL
The appeal documents and key dates can also be viewed using the Planning Inspectorate website and their reference in the 'Search for a case' box: APP/D1780/W/24/3347358