Historic Environment Record

The Southampton Historic Environment Record (HER) is the main source of information about archaeology and the built heritage of the city of Southampton.

Content of the Historic Environment Record

The HER includes records of archaeological sites, find spots, monuments and historic buildings. It also includes information on designations such as listed buildings, scheduled monuments, conservation areas and historic parks and gardens.

The HER includes details of all archaeological fieldwork that have taken place in the city. It includes information on human activity, from prehistoric times through to the 20th century.

The database is enhanced by a library of reports, books, journals, historic maps and photographs.

Part of the HER database is available from the Heritage Gateway website. You may wish to view the Heritage Gateway data usage guidance sheet to assist you on how to find records on that website.

Functions of the HER

The main function of the HER is to provide data, information and advice to the Historic Environment Team, developers and contractors involved in the planning process. The HER is also used by members of the public, researchers and students.

Enquiries and contacts

We accept enquiries by phone, email or post. All HER users who require details about any of the topics on this page should read the HER user guidelines and charges and email us to request the enquiry form.

Contact us

Email: her@southampton.gov.uk
Phone: 023 8083 2850

Historic Environment Record Officer,
Planning and Economic Development,
Southampton City Council,
Civic Centre,
SO14 7LY

Other related services

For areas outside the city boundary please contact the Hampshire Archaeology and Historic Buildings Record.

Archaeology in Southampton: Information about other archaeological services provided by Southampton City Council.