Following the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), the council revised its Developer Contributions SPD (September 2013). This guidance covers CIL, Planning obligations (Section 106 Agreements) and planning conditions. This guidance covers CIL, Planning obligations (Section 106 Agreements) and planning conditions.
The CIL replaces Section 106 contributions for many forms of infrastructure. Section 106 contributions will however continue to be used for site specific infrastructure including affordable housing. Some sites will make both a CIL payment and a Section 106 contribution.
How can I make payment?
You may pay the planning obligation using the following payment methods:
The best way to make a payment is by paying online.
Before you make a payment
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
You will need:
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay*
Application reference number
Site or planning location address
Amount to be paid
Pay online
If you have trouble making an online payment, please email the Council’s S106 Officer.
Please ensure you enter your invoice number, which can be found on the correspondence you will have received, as the payment reference. The account details are:
- Sort code: 30-00-00
- Account no: 00332526
Frequently asked questions
My development is CIL liable and also subject to a S106 Agreement, do I need to pay both?
Yes. However, in many cases the CIL will be paid on development that does not require a S106 Agreement. There will also be certain types of development that require both the CIL payment and a S106 Agreement (where the threshold for the requirement of a S106 Agreement is triggered).
Why do I still need to complete a S106 Agreement?
On the adoption of CIL the scope of S106 Agreements was scaled-back to just deal with site specific impacts of new development. Therefore, in many cases a S106 Agreement will sit alongside the CIL and will contribute towards the provision of infrastructure and mitigating the impact of new development within the immediate vicinity of the development site. For the details about the relationship between CIL and S106 please refer to Developer Contributions SPD.
My development is not viable if I pay both S106 and CIL, what options are available?
Although CIL is non-negotiable (unless the development qualifies for certain exception/relief) a viability appraisal can be submitted to review the planning obligations within the S106 Agreement. The council will seek an independent appraisal of any submission for which the cost will be met by the applicant. If you require a copy of a Section 106 Agreement you can:
- Use Public access where you can search by application number or address
- Contact Land Charges - there is a charge for this service
Outside of the Planning Obligations what fees will I be liable to pay to complete a S106 Agreement?
In addition to the Council’s Legal Fees a S106 Monitoring Charge will also be payable prior to completion of the S106 Agreement. This fee represents a contribution towards the council’s reasonable costs in both coordinating the S106 Agreement to the point of completion and monitoring the Planning Obligations within the S106 Agreement to ensure that all Planning Obligations are complied with in line with the terms of the S106 Agreement.
2024/2025 - Currently the S106 Monitoring fee is calculated as follows:
- £642 – For each S106 Agreement to fund coordination role of the S106 Planning Agreements Officer from inception to the point completion of the S106 Agreement.
- £321 – For each individual Head of Term within the S106 Agreement, to monitor, coordinate and manage the discharge process.
- £321 – For each fixed term affordable housing viability assessment review within the S106 Agreement, to monitor, coordinate and manage the discharge process
If you have a question about a discharge of planning obligations within a S106 please contact the Planning Agreements Officer. Please note there is a charge of £97 for this information.
Planning Agreements Officer
You can contact the Planning Agreements Officer online.
Tel: 023 8083 4247 or 07392 864595