Public and accessible toilets

This page helps you find public toilets, including toilets for people with accessibility needs.

Where is my nearest public toilet?

The Great British Public Toilet Map lets you search for public toilets in your area. The map includes toilets in shops and cafes that are open to the public.

View the map of public toilets.

Accessible toilets

Changing Places toilets are designed for children and adults who need support from a carer. They are different to standard disabled toilets, as they have extra features and more space.

View the map of Changing Places toilets.

Radar Key - National Key Scheme

Disability Rights UK run the Radar National Key Scheme. This offers disabled people independent access to locked public toilets around the country.

You can find toilets with these locks in:

  • Shopping centres
  • Pubs
  • Cafes
  • Department stores
  • Bus and train stations
  • And many other locations in most parts of the country

You can buy a Radar Key online. You can also get a region list – this has the locations of the Radar Key accessible toilets in your area.

For more information, visit the Disability Rights UK website.

Report an issue with a public toilet

If you find one of our public toilets has a fault or cleaning issue, you can report this to us online.


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Report an issue with a public toilet