Southampton supported The Fostering Network’s ‘Foster Care Fortnight – 13-26 May 2024’

In celebration of our local foster carers and their #fosteringmoments

Foster Family on a blanket next to a tree

Southampton City Council supported The Fostering Network’s ‘Foster Care Fortnight’. This year’s theme celebrated fostering moments, the moments that our foster carers cherish.

There are currently 489 children in Southampton living with foster carers with a significant number of them living outside of the city.

Sadly, the number of children coming into care remains high. Where these children and young people can stay at their own school, remain in touch with friends, and see family members easily, they are far more likely to cope with what can be a very difficult time. Southampton City Council wants to make sure that every child who can’t live within their own family, is cared for by a foster carer who can provide them with the warmth and stability they need, within their local community. Familiar faces, spaces and places are key to giving vulnerable children a consistent, safe environment where they can thrive, have fun and create new memories.

Foster carers are welcomed from every community and can provide care on a short-term, longer-term or to give children, parents or carers a regular break. Children can be any age, from babies to older teenagers, and they may be part of a sibling group.

Councillor Alex Winning, Cabinet Member for Children and Learning said: “Parenting brings great joy but can also present significant challenges, and sometimes families need extra support to help them get through difficult times. It’s at these important times our amazing foster carers are on hand to support children and young people.

This year’s theme of #fosteringmoments, is a great way to hear from foster carers about how they feel about fostering.”

During the fortnight, we have shared on social media some of the special memories our foster carers shared with us, here are a few more.

“Getting messages from parents of the babies we have fostered, like one mum who was very excited to share that their children just got into their preferred school.”

“One child we fostered, now 6 years old, won second place in his first gymnastics competition.”

“Being invited to visit the family’s new flat after finishing a parent and child fostering placement. Receiving news from them after they have moved on from us is an amazing moment.”

Thank you to all our foster carers for sharing their wonderful #fosteringmoments.

We urgently need more foster carers to come forward to make a difference to a child’s life. Carers who represent the diversity of our communities, cultures and families. So, if you are over 21 years old, have a spare bedroom and can help, get in touch! It doesn’t matter what your gender, relationship status or sexual orientation is. It doesn’t matter if you have a disability, it would be great to hear from you.

Southampton City Council will be attending a number of events around the city this summer, full details are available on our Fostering pages. We are always happy to answer any questions either by phone or email, you can reach us on 0800 519 1818, or visit our Facebook.