Portswood Project first week figures show reduction in traffic on Portswood Broadway

The results of the first operational week of the trial part time bus/taxi/cycle-only restriction at Portswood Road shows an average 42% reduction in vehicles together with average increases of 27% for cyclists and 20% for pedestrians using Portswood Broadway during bus gate hours compared to the same time period in January 2024

A bus gate sign in Portswood

As part of our monitoring and evaluation programme for the trial, we promised to publish a monthly assessment of the readily available traffic data. The summary for 27-31 January has been made available on the Portswood Project page on Connecting Southampton.

Local people’s views are very important and they can submit their feedback throughout the trial via the Portswood Broadway and Portswood Active Travel Zone consultation page on Connecting Southampton. We are regularly reviewing the comments we receive alongside the traffic data, and visiting local roads, to assess where adjustments may be required.

For instance, following concerns raised by local people, alterations have been made to parking on Brookvale Road near the junction with Highfield Lane to help ease congestion and improve road safety around the junction. We will also be carrying out extra monitoring on Brookvale Road and a review of the signage along Portswood Road.

In addition, an independent Road Safety Audit will be carried out at the junction of Brookvale Road and Blenheim Avenue after half-term to assess the changes made and consider whether further adjustments are required.

These actions are all part of a phased approach to the trial which allows us to make incremental changes to individual areas to address concerns highlighted by local people and the monitoring data.

We want to create a more attractive and safer Portswood, by reducing the amount of through traffic, improving bus journey times and improved facilities for cycling and walking. This will result in a greener, more pleasant environment for everyone living, working, studying and spending time in Portswood. 

We also hope to see an improvement in air quality and the environment, in road safety and accessibility for people walking or wheeling, and in quality of life for people who live, shop, or work in the area. Overall, the project aims to help make Portswood District Centre a more attractive, accessible, vibrant and competitive economic destination so people spend more time and money here. This will be considered in the six-month report, comparing with baseline data from the previous year.

We will continue to meet with the Portswood Project Steering Group, comprising representatives of local residents' associations, businesses and other interest groups, and report back throughout the trial period.

The steering group was established in 2024 as one of the avenues through which local people could help shape the final designs of the Portswood Project schemes, along with dedicated co-design workshops, following our previous consultation exercises in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 which took the different parts of the project from options through to plans.

The trial will run for at least six months. In addition to our monthly traffic data, an independent consultant will prepare a report after three months which will be made available to the public. A further report which will present information on the impact on Portswood’s economy, community and travel habits will be carried out after six months.

Councillor Eamonn Keogh, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, said:

“We have a robust plan for the monitoring and evaluation of the Portswood Project trial and would encourage local people to keep talking with us. Your feedback will help highlight areas that need closer scrutiny such as at Brookvale Road and will enable us to assess issues and make adjustments to balance the interests of individual areas and roads.”

The Portswood Project aims to deliver improvements in this key travel corridor that support the delivery of the Local Transport Plan: Connected Southampton 2040 and the goals of the Southampton Citizens Climate Assembly.