News Archive
- 01/09/2023 - Southampton City Centre parking tariffs to be reviewed and simplified
- 31/08/2023 - Providers welcomed on board Southampton City Council’s Affordable Housing Framework
- 30/08/2023 - Southampton City Council introduces new ways for residents to access information, advice and support
- 29/08/2023 - Lord Mayor of Southampton opens the Race Village for Ocean Globe Race
- 24/08/2023 - Students in Southampton receive their GCSE results
- 22/08/2023 - Southampton mum and her nine-month-old baby smash the Summer Reading Challenge
- 18/08/2023 - Voluntary redundancy update
- 17/08/2023 - Students in Southampton receive their A-Level results
- 15/08/2023 - Plans to carry out ambitious improvements to Southampton’s Outdoor Sports Centre approved
- 10/08/2023 - Young people in Millbrook learn new life skills through cooking
- 07/08/2023 - Southampton City Council commissions specialist Domestic Abuse Advocates
- 04/08/2023 - Southampton Highway Partnership reaches one million hours milestone
- 28/07/2023 - Ofsted judges Southampton City Council Children’s Services ‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding’ leadership
- 28/07/2023 - Multiply returns to round-up residents’ numeracy skills
- 26/07/2023 - Invitation to tender for St Mary’s Leisure Centre Operator and Maintenance
- 26/07/2023 - Five Southampton schools recognised for improving children’s health and wellbeing
- 25/07/2023 - Southampton children set to celebrate 20 years of community spirit
- 21/07/2023 - Green Flags set to fly high in Southampton as new parks win prestigious award
- 20/07/2023 - Trees for Life 2023
- 20/07/2023 - 5 for £5 Returns This Summer