Southampton City Mission run Basics Bank at Basic Bank Food Venues across the city Monday to Friday. You will need a referral to access an emergency food package. You can get a referral from:
- Southampton based charities (examples include No Limits, SARC, Advice in Southampton)
- Housing associations
- Churches
- Mental health services
- Citizens Advice
- Debt charities
- Health visitors
- Schools
- Many different NHS departments including some GP surgeries
When a referral agent has agreed to refer you to the Basics Bank, they will fill in an online voucher with your details. With this voucher you can go to any of the Basic Bank Food Venues to collect your food.
If you need more information about accessing food banks please contact The Southampton Welfare Line 023 8001 0883 based at SCRATCH charity, available from Monday to Friday 9.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4pm. There will be an answering machine at all other times. This service can assist you by providing information about support available locally.