Getting into work
If you are looking for ways to get new experiences of work or getting involved in your community, there are a number of options:
- Current job vacancies
- Work experience at the council
- Volunteering
- Apprenticeships
- Application and interview guidance
Working with our Partner Agencies
Balfour Beatty
To view a list of job vacancies through Balfour Beatty, please look at their careers page.
Solent NHS Trust
Ambitious provider of community and mental health services on the South Coast, Solent NHS Trust have full-time, part-time, bank and volunteer roles in clinical and non-clinical settings available. Explore their opportunities and take the next step in joining an award-winning, people focussed organisation, where you can make a real difference, everyday.
Further information on their latest vacancies.
Where else can I find employment support in Southampton?
We offer a range of employment support programmes for all ages and all abilities, our programmes include:
- Grow People, provides all you need to know about opportunities in and around the city to help support decision making while in school, college and beyond
- Work Clubs, which are based in the local community and support people to find work. They are free to attend and provide help with CV, job search, completing application forms, interview practice and other help to find a job in a friendly community environment
- The Employment Support Team is the council's employment support service. We offer help, advice and support to people who are disabled or disadvantaged, to find work or training
Application and interview guidance
If you want some help completing your application or preparing for an interview, we've put together some detailed guidance.
We are not currently running an internship programme at Southampton City Council. We will update this information if we offer internships in future. For other opportunities to gain work experience with us, you can read about our apprenticeships and work experience.

Grow in Southampton
The new GROW web portal houses information about apprenticeships and other opportunities.