Homelessness Reduction Act 2017
The 2017 Homelessness Reduction Act comes into force on 3 April 2018 and represents a significant change to homelessness legislation.
The Act strengthens a duty in law on the part of the local authority to prevent homelessness, which will be done by developing jointly with every eligible person, a homeless prevention and relief plan.
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 - Frequently asked questions
When should I contact the council if I am worried that I might become homeless? SHOW
What sort of information will I be required to provide my caseworker, so a homeless plan can be developed? SHOW
What sort of actions might the Authority carry out to prevent me becoming homeless? SHOW
What sort of actions might I be required to carry out as part of a homeless prevention plan? SHOW
What is the difference between a homeless prevention plan and a relief plan? SHOW
Do I have to undertake actions outlined for me in the prevention plan? SHOW
If I am a single person with no additional support needs will the authority now be required to house me? SHOW
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What is your information used for? | 269.2 KB |