Mobility scooter advice

Mobility scooter advice
Whilst these vehicles can certainly improve quality of life and increase independence, it is essential that you understand the implications of owning, using and storing a mobility scooter or electric wheelchair.
We’ve put together this useful checklist to help you decide if buying one is the right choice for you.
Before buying
Request approval – you MUST request permission first so that we can check a scooter is safe and suitable for you and your home.
Consider cost and practicalities – ask yourself if you can afford both the initial purchase price and the ongoing cost of ownership (which will include running costs and insurance) and where you plan to keep such a large piece of equipment. Some supported housing complexes have a designated scooter storage room, and we will advise if you can use this facility, or if the scooter should be kept inside your flat. Remember you can NEVER leave a mobility scooter in any communal areas, as corridors and walkways always need to be kept clear to meet fire safety regulations.
Get advice – as mobility scooters vary considerably in size and power you should always seek professional advice from an occupational therapist or from a reputable supplier and remember to check if you need a valid road licence to drive it.
When you are ready to buy
Check for quality – once you have obtained our permission, make sure you buy from a reputable supplier. Check that the scooter and any replacement batteries have a kite mark – CE or British Standard.
Get suitable training – ask the supplier to help you learn how to operate your scooter safely and competently so you feel confident driving in public places.
Take out insurance – ensure you are covered against theft, damage, injury to yourself, and to others.
Ongoing ownership
Stay safe – you will need to arrange for regular service and maintenance checks (at least once a year) to ensure your scooter remains safe. We will organise an annual PAT test that the scooter needs to pass in order to be stored in our designated areas. You will also need to sign a written agreement if you want to make use of our scooter areas.
Charging – mobility scooters should not be left on charge overnight as batteries can overheat and cause a fire.
Drive carefully – always use the lowest speed when inside buildings. Remember to always check behind you before reversing. Be aware of pedestrians and remember other residents may have hearing or sight difficulties.
For more information about buying and owning a mobility scooter or to request our written permission please get in touch.
If you need practical information and impartial advice to support you with living independently it is worth checking out our free online resource EquipMe. Find out about the range of equipment and assistive technology available to support you with health and wellbeing, daily activities, and what support is available for your home.