Inspirational tenant sets new community room in her sights

Inspirational tenant sets new community room in her sights
Anna, who has lived in Shirley Towers for 14 years after moving to the UK from Poland, is actively involved with the council to work with us to improve the housing service for everyone. She sits on several tenant panels providing important feedback and suggestions, and is also a block rep which means she represents her neighbours and works with us to resolve local issues and make improvements.
Anna explains why she first decided to step forward to get involved with the council:
“I am proud to live in Shirley Towers, but I know that sometimes people moan about the housing service and the block. I wanted to stand up to represent my neighbours, celebrate this wonderful community and help bring about change where needed. At first, I was worried about how people would feel about me representing the block as I wasn’t born in the UK, but my neighbours have been so supportive, and I feel honoured to speak up on behalf of this multicultural community. I want to work with the council and with my neighbours to build something together.”
And Anna is already making a big difference locally by pushing for an unused room in the tower block to be repurposed as a communal space for residents.
“We have a great community spirit here at Shirley Towers, but I always thought it a real shame there was nowhere for neighbours to meet and socialise together. I feel it is really important to get people out of their flats, so my neighbours and I saw an opportunity to ask the council about using a former drying room that had sat empty for a long time to be reused as a community facility. It has been a lot of work, but now we are almost ready to open the new community room and looking forward to holding regular events like coffee mornings, wellbeing sessions, English classes, kids’ activities and a homework club.
“We plan to set up a formal tenants’ group so that we can apply for funding to buy equipment for tenants to use in the new community room such as computers and even gym equipment. I hope that the success of this project will inspire other tenants to ask to transform unused spaces in their blocks into much-needed community facilities.”
As well as enjoying success as a block rep, Anna is also an active member of a local gardening club and regularly helps to tend the communal gardens at neighbouring Milner Court. Established by local residents the gardening group has gone from strength to strength after receiving Decent Neighbourhoods funding to buy plants, tools, composting bins and a water tank.
Check out our next issue for an update on the opening of the community room at Shirley Towers, and if Anna’s story has inspired you to get more involved with the Council – either by joining a formal group, volunteering as a block rep, establishing a Tenants and Residents Association or lending a hand with your local gardening club – please get in touch or contact our Tenant Participation team for details.