Watch our Winter Tenants’ Conference from the comfort of your home

Tenants' Link

Watch our Winter Tenants’ Conference from the comfort of your home

Our annual Winter Tenants' Conference will be taking place on 9 December and you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your home to enjoy it. This year you can watch the event on your phone, laptop or tablet.

This video event will offer tenants and leaseholders the chance to find out more about a range of important issues including the housing budget, our plans to develop more affordable housing and how our tenant COVID champions are helping keep the city safe.

There will be an opportunity to discover more about our bid to become a City of Culture in 2025 and the exciting Mayflower 400 art project taking place at Weston Shore. And for a bit of entertainment, there will be short video of dance events featuring Holyrood and Weston.

Although we know everyone will miss having the opportunity to get together in person, we hope as many people as possible will join us live between 6pm and 7pm on Wednesday 9 December.

If you would like to view the conference please get in touch before 20 November or call 023 8083 3185 and we will send you details of how to join.

For the first time in our history, we will be hosting this popular event via Zoom. If you don’t have this app, or don’t feel confident using Zoom, please let us know and we will help you get set up quickly and easily.

Switching the conference to an online event is just one of the ways we are adapting our services in response to the pandemic and the COVID-19 restrictions. Empowering more tenants to have their say on the Housing Service is more important than ever before and so we’ve been busy keeping in touch with everyone via telephone, newsletters, emails and surveys. Our block reps and tenant associations have proved invaluable during the past few months by passing on useful information to their neighbours. We would like to recruit more people to these roles, so if you would like to help us improve services and keep other tenants well informed please get in touch today.
