Keep on top of heating bills during lockdown

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Keep on top of heating bills during lockdown

We’re all spending more time at home because of lockdown, and the cold weather means we’re more likely to turn up the heating to stay warm and cosy inside.

To help avoid rising fuel bills follow the top tips below from Southampton Environment Centre to stay warm and well on a budget:

To stay in control of your heating and hot water:

  • Turn your thermostat down to instantly save money on your bills, but keep the heat to at least 18°C
  • Before turning up the thermostat try simple, cheaper ways to warm up such as making a hot drink, moving around or adding an extra layer of clothing
  • Use your heating programmer to have heating come on when needed rather than keeping it on all day. If you have storage heaters, use the output to limit heating overnight and slowly release it across the day
  • Adjust the radiators in each room, for example higher in living spaces where you spend most of the time and lower in bedrooms that are only used at night. Turn the radiator down to frost setting in rooms you don’t use
  • Be aware that gas fires, portable electric heaters or electric blankets may keep you warm but they will also increase your energy costs

Make the most of your appliances

  • Don’t waste electricity and money by leaving appliances such as TVs, computers and chargers on standby. Switch them off when not in use
  • Tumble driers, washing machines and dishwashers can use a lot of electricity and water, so try using eco or low temperature settings, wait until you have a full load, and dry clothes outside as much as possible
  • Using a microwave, slow cooker and batch cooking will reduce the time your hob and oven is in use and will save you energy and money
  • Check if your electricity supplier offers a tariff where you pay less for using energy at off-peak times of day. This can be helpful if you are at home and want to use appliances at these times

Consider switching and smart meters

  • Check you are getting the best deal on your energy costs. Easy-to-use online price comparison sites can help you lower your bills and switch suppliers
  • Smart meters help you keep on top of your energy costs by avoiding estimated bills and the in-home display shows when your energy usage is going up and down
  • If you are struggling to pay your bills or top up your meter, or are getting into debt, speak to your supplier about the support they can give you, so you can try to reduce your debt repayments

Apply for the Warm Home Discount

  • This is a £140 discount on your winter electricity bill or top-up for your prepayment meter. If you receive Guaranteed Pension Credit you should get the Warm Home Discount automatically, but if you are on a low income you need to apply each year with your energy supplier
  • Make sure you are receiving any other help that your supplier can offer, such as asking to join the Priority Services Register.

Keep the heat in your home

  • Check for draughts from doors, windows, loft hatch, chimney, floors and pipes. Most draught-proofing is simple to do yourself, but make sure you ask our permission first. Make your own draught excluder by simply rolling up an old towel to block up draughty doors
  • Stop heat escaping by closing curtains at dusk and keeping internal doors shut, particularly to rooms you aren’t using or heating
  • Move furniture away from radiators or storage heaters to allow heat to circulate and don’t dry your washing on them as this will block heat and cause condensation

For more top tips, advice and help to keep your home warm and lower your bills talk to the Southampton Healthy Homes team on 0800 804 8601. If you need help with budgeting and debt, get in touch with our Welfare Rights & Money Advice team via email
