Exciting times for Weston

Tenants' Link

Exciting times for Weston

There are exciting times ahead for residents in Weston as plans are in place for a variety of exciting projects to benefit local residents, including improved car parking, a new community garden, a colourful mural and a special creative project to celebrate this neighbourhood.

The whole community is invited to join in an unforgettable dance project called The Grid Experience at Weston Shore on Saturday 24 April 2021. Following on from a hugely successful Grid project that saw over 60 people dance together in Guildhall Square last year, the ZoieLogic Dance Theatre team are hoping to recreate that magic in Weston this spring.

With Covid affecting everyone’s ability to connect as usual, the Weston Grid promises to be an exciting way to improve wellbeing and have fun, whilst following social distancing guidelines. The project will be free to take part and, depending on restrictions around gatherings being relaxed, as many Weston residents as possible are encouraged to sign up and join in on the day. If you would like to get involved simply sign up, attend your choice of online Zoom sessions to learn the dance moves at home and then join in live at Weston Shore on 24 April. Everyone who signs up will receive confirmation nearer the time that the project is able to go ahead.

The Weston Grid is just part of the Mayflower 400 programme to commemorate the 400th anniversary of The Mayflower’s historic voyage and increase participation in cultural activities across the city.

As well as being invited to have a go at dancing, Weston residents are also encouraged to turn their hand to gardening thanks to a new community garden which has been created close to Canberra Towers. Designed and built by the Neighbourhood Warden Projects team, the garden provides residents (many of whom don’t have access to any quality outdoor space) with a safe space to develop green fingers and have a go at growing their own plants and vegetables. When lockdown restrictions ease, Duncan Reade from Mayfield Nurseries will be holding weekly drop in sessions for residents to learn gardening tips and skills. No gardening experience is necessary, and all tools and equipment are provided free of charge. Weston is just the latest council neighbourhood to receive a community garden, thanks to the Plants For People project which is run in partnership with Mayfield Nurseries

And further improvements are taking shape in car parks as money from the Decent Neighbourhoods budget is being spent improving the car parking across the estate – something which local residents have long requested. Over £314,000 is being invested into resurfacing the car parks and associated works to improve parking conditions for hundreds of residents in the neighbourhood. Plus, an art mural will transform the entrance to Copenhagen Towers. 
