Case study: Weston Shore
About the project
Southampton City Council, working in partnership with Balfour Beatty Living Places, delivered a 140 metre length of rock armour revetment at Weston Shore.
The revetment consists of over 3,000 tonnes of rock, placed over a protective geotextile matting. This will break up the energy of waves as they hit the beach, therefore preventing further breakup of the already weakened cliff face.
The completed revetment provides better protection to the site for the next 50 years, preventing the loss of the footpath.
Delivering for Southampton Pound
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Education and training

Environmental sustainability

Local growth

Volunteering and community activities
- Delivered a GCSE Geography lesson at Weston Secondary School
- Hosted students from Weston Secondary School on site
- Coastal erosion prevented
- Recycled over 900 cubic metres of beach material
- Surplus material donated to City Farm
- 64% compound power derived from solar
- Heavy plant run on bio-fuel
- Stored topsoil for reinstatement (retaining natural vegetation)
- Selected seven species of coastal planting
- Drilled 30 rockpools into lower rock
- Four new bat and bird boxes
- 59% of the workforce live within 10 miles of the site
- 79% of the project spend is local
- Carried out beach and butterfly walk litter pick
- Donated five benches at Weston Shore
- Donated BBQ and patio set to Southampton Sailing Club