Dates for your diary - Bereavement

Dates for your diary related to funerals and bereavement.

Memorial services

Our Mother's Day memorial service will be on Sunday 30 March. Please check back here for further details.

We hold memorial services throughout the year. We will update dates and times here.

For more information, contact Bereavement Services.

Grief Café

Our next Grief Café is on Sunday 23 February 10am-12pm at Southampton Crematorium.

The Grief Café is sponsored by local charity Harlee’s Angels and offers an opportunity to talk to others experiencing the loss of a loved one.

You will be able to light a candle, hang a message on the memory tree, or post a letter in our Postboxes to Heaven.

You do not have to register, just turn up. There will be tea, coffee, and cakes provided by the charity. But most importantly, this is a friendly, informal place to find others who may be going through a similar journey of grief.

If you do have any questions, please contact Bereavement Services.