Development landscaping
If there are trees on or near a development site the trees team will be consulted during the planning process. A tree officer may recommend development landscaping conditions to go on a site.
Conditions can relate to the trees before, during and after the development. This is to protect trees that are worthy of retention on site. This can also protect new trees planted as part of the development. Landscaping conditions can be valid for up to five years, dependant on the type of landscaping condition.
Permission must be requested by completing the form if you would like to carry out any work to trees protected by development landscaping conditions.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to five minutes to fill in the form.
You will need to tell us:
Which tree you need to carry out work on
The reason for the work
A plan for the work
Works to trees subject to development landscaping conditions
If the tree or parts of the tree are dead, dying or dangerous, works can be done without applying for permission. However you must prove the tree was dead, dying or dangerous.