River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme (RIFAS)

Southampton City Council and the Environment Agency are working in partnership to design and build the River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme (RIFAS). The scheme aims to reduce the risk of tidal flooding to the west bank of the River Itchen, including to areas of Northam, St Marys, and Chapel.
Where is the scheme?
The proposed scheme frontage extends from Mount Pleasant Industrial Estate in the north, to the Southampton Water Activities Centre, just south of the Itchen Bridge. Presently, there are no formal flood risk structures to protect the city from tidal flooding in this area. Where flood infrastructure does exist, it is in private ownership, offers various degrees of protection and is at varying conditions. Existing quay walls, structures, and land heights are not high enough to provide the level of protection needed from more frequent and severe flooding events expected in the future, with climate change.
View a map of the scheme extent.
The map shows the River Itchen to scale. The start point is close to the Itchen Bridge and stretches to Bevois Valley.
Why the scheme is needed
- Currently over 150 homes and 200 businesses are at risk from tidal flooding
- The provision of new flood risk management infrastructure will reduce tidal flood risk for over 1100 homes and 900 businesses by the year 2115
- Key infrastructure, including electricity sub-stations, roads, rail, and listed buildings, are at risk from tidal flooding
- Flooding of businesses and public footways has occurred along the proposed scheme frontage occasionally over the past 20 years. High magnitude events have caused damage and disruption to local businesses, including significant flooding events occurring in 2014, 2008, and 2005
Where we are now
At the beginning of 2019, we agreed a partnership with the Environment Agency to relaunch the RIFAS. We are currently in the outline design stage of the scheme, developing our design options to deliver a feasible flood alleviation project.

The timeline shows the board milestones for the scheme, starting with option planning until early 2022, Outline Business Case in July 2022, detailed design from 2023-2027, Full Business Case in April 2027, and followed by construction from 2027-2030.
The options stage of the programme involves coming up with a number of feasible options that work for the area and meet our criteria including engineering suitability, cost, benefit, and environmental impact. Work within this stage results in an ‘Outline Business Case’, a report which shows all the workings and justifications towards each of the potential options, and evidence for the preferred one. The report is submitted to the Environment Agency for approval at gateway two in 2022 (G2). Further gateways occur after the Full Business Case in 2027 (G3) and completion of construction in 2030, G4.
Meet the organisations
The River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme Project Team consists of members from both partnership organisations, Southampton City Council and the Environment Agency, as well as colleagues from JBA Consulting and VolkerStevin who are leading on design and construction, and Dalcour Maclaren as land agents.
Southampton City Council
Southampton City Council is designated as a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. This means that we have the responsibility to work closely with organisations in order to manage local flood risk through a number of duties, responsibilities, and powers.
Find out more about our duties and responsibilities as a LLFA.
Environment Agency
The Environment Agency is responsible for taking a strategic overview of the management of all sources of flooding and coastal erosion. This includes, for example:
- Setting the direction for managing the risks through strategic plans
- Providing evidence and advice to inform Government policy and support others
- Working collaboratively to support the development of risk management skills and capacity
- Providing a framework to support local delivery
The Environment Agency also has operational responsibility for managing the risk of flooding from rivers, reservoirs, estuaries, and the sea, as well as being a coastal erosion risk management authority.
As part of its strategic overview role, the Environment Agency has published a National Flood and Coastal Risk Management Strategy for England. The strategy provides a lot more information designed to ensure that the roles of all those involved in managing risk are clearly defined and understood.
Find out more about the Environment Agency.
JBA Consulting
JBA Consulting is part of the JBA Group, an environmental, engineering, and risk group. They are committed to exceptional client service, helping to improve the environment, business, and infrastructure.
JBA has been a national framework consultant to the Environment Agency since 1999, and the only consultant appointed to national flood management frameworks in each of the UK devolved administrations, Isle of Man, and Republic of Ireland.
Locally, JBA are appointed to over 20 flood management frameworks by lead local flood authorities. Under these frameworks, they provide services in:
- Flood risk mapping
- Post-flood investigation
- Feasibility and design studies for flood management schemes
- Capacity building and training
- Model review and audit
For more information about the JBA Group see who we are.
Dalcour Maclaren
Dalcour Maclaren (DM) delivers sustainable land and environmental solutions for utility and infrastructure clients across the UK, providing consultancy and expertise on consents, stakeholders, and assets.
They are strategy leaders and problem solvers, surveyors and liaison officers, environmental planners and ecologists, GIS and CAD specialists.
Partnering with the Environment Agency, Southampton City Council, and JBA, they are here to support the RIFAS project every step of the way. DM is known for increasing efficiency, reducing project risk, and getting the job done.
DM works closely with over 60 of the UK’s largest infrastructure clients, and through the services they provide they have already assisted in protecting over 20,000 homes and business across the UK from flooding.
Find out more about Dalcour Maclaren at sectors and services.
VolkerStevin is a construction and engineering company that achieves its long-term business goals through the delivery of high quality solutions and the development of trusting, sustainable relationships with each and every stakeholder.
They concentrate on their core markets:
- Civil engineering
- Water and marine infrastructure
- Flood and coastal protection
- Land remediation and regeneration
Working throughout the UK, they collaborate with other VolkerWessels companies as well as strategic joint venture partners to deliver better, safer, faster, and more cost effective services to their clients.
For more information about VolkerStevin please see We are VolkerStevin.
Contact details
For any further details or enquires about the RIFAS, please contact a member of the project team.