Scrutiny news
The chairs for the various scrutiny panels for 2024/25 are as follows:
- Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (OSMC) – Councillor Blackman
- Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (HOSP) – Councillor Payne
- Children and Families Scrutiny Panel (CFSP) – Councillor Barnes-Andrews
- Scrutiny Inquiry Panel – Councillor Cooper
Scrutiny meetings are taking place in the Civic Centre. A number of meetings continue to be live streamed by the council, and details of how to access the live stream will be provided on the agenda page for the meeting. This will be available in advance of the meeting.
We continue to welcome and encourage residents and stakeholders to engage in the scrutiny process. If you have a question related to a specific item on a scrutiny meeting agenda that you would like to raise, please, in the first instance, email your question to
Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (HOSP) – Chair, Councillor Payne
At the 6 February meeting of the Panel the Chair has agreed the following agenda:
- University Hospital Southampton – Update on pressures and performance
- Primary Care update
- Integrated Neighbourhood Teams
The meeting will commence at 6pm in Conference Room 3. Meeting papers have been published.
Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (OSMC) – Chair, Councillor Blackman
The next meeting of the Committee will be on 11 February and 20 February, both commencing at 5:30pm.
The 11 February 2025 agenda includes the following items:
- Call-in - Changes to parking tariffs and charging hours in suburban car parks
- Highways contract procurement
Meeting papers have been published.
The 20 February 2025 agenda includes the following items:
- The 2025/26 budget and medium term financial strategy
- The General Fund Capital Programme 2024/25 to 2029/30
- The HRA Budget 2025/26 and Capital Programme 2024/25 to 2029/30
- Transformation Programme update
Meeting papers will be published on 12 February 2025.
Reducing Gambling-Related Harms Scrutiny Inquiry Panel – Chair, Councillor Cooper
At the fourth meeting of the inquiry on 13 February the Panel will be considering the importance of secondary intervention, early identification of those who have recently started to engage in at-risk gambling behaviour to prevent escalation of (and ideally reduce) any early-stage gambling-related harms.
The following guests have been invited to present at the meeting:
- Simone Arratoonian – Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager, North East and Yorkshire Region at the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
- Dr Halima Sacranie & Professor Andy Lymer – Dr Sacranie is Director of Housing Research at the Centre for the New Midlands and Prof Lymer is Professor of Taxation and Personal Finance and Director of the Centre for Personal Financial Wellbeing at Aston University
- Kirsty Rowlinson & Teresa Hadwick – Chief Officer, Citizens Advice Southampton and Accredited Debt Caseworker
The meeting will commence at 5:30pm and meeting papers will be published on 5 February 2025.
Children and Families Scrutiny Panel (CFSP) – Chair, Councillor Barnes-Andrews
The next meeting of the CFSP will take place on 27 March 2025, commencing at 5.30pm. The provisional agenda is as follows:
- Post-16 provision, participation and NEET
- Review of the School Travel Service - Update on developments
- Children’s Services & Learning – Performance & Transformation
Papers for the meeting will be published on 19 March 2025.
Documents and further information
View the scrutiny calendar.
Document | Type | Size |
Annual report 2023-24 | 1007.2 KB | |
Scrutiny Handbook | 313.2 KB |