Extended consultation for adult overnight residential respite (including additional question on who provides respite)

Southampton City Council is consulting on proposals for the future delivery of overnight residential respite services for adults with learning disabilities living in Southampton.

This is an extension to the consultation which occurred between October and December last year. We are not proposing anything different in terms of the two-site model of respite (option one) or the single site model of respite (option two). We are simply offering extra time to have your say. After considering the feedback gathered so far, we have also added in an extra two questions and a bit of extra detail to the questionnaire, to further understand opinions regarding our respite services at Kentish Road and Weston Court being provided by the council, external providers or a combination of both.

If you already took part in the consultation between October and December last year, your views will still be taken into account as normal. You do not need to complete the consultation again unless there is further feedback you would like to add.

Please complete the following questionnaire to read more about the proposals and to give us your views:

Complete the extended consultation for adult overnight residential respite

Easy read extended consultation for adult overnight residential respite

The consultation closes Wednesday 19 March 2025.

You can also email your consultation feedback or queries to yourcity.yoursay@southampton.gov.uk.

Paper copies of the questionnaire can be requested to be printed at Southampton Libraries or printed yourselves by downloading the paper version in additional information below. 

Additional information