
Each Cabinet Member is a Councillor who looks after a different area of the council. The areas are known as portfolios.

The Leader of the Council and Cabinet are supported by Democratic Services:

Cabinet Members and their portfolios

  • Leader of Council – Councillor Lorna Fielker
  • Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance & Corporate Services - Councillor Simon Letts
  • Cabinet Member for Adults and Health - Councillor Marie Finn
  • Cabinet Member for Children & Learning - Councillor Alexander Winning
  • Cabinet Member for Compliance & Leisure - Councillor Toqeer Kataria
  • Cabinet Member for Economic Development - Councillor Sarah Bogle 
  • Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport - Councillor Eammon Keogh
  • Cabinet Member for Housing Operations - Councillor Andy Frampton
  • Cabinet Member for Communities & Safer City - Councillor Christine Lambert 
  • Cabinet Member for Green City and Net Zero - Councillor John Savage